Recently, as the college entrance examination results from various places have been released, another group of young students have come to realize their dreams. For those students who are in adversity, receiving a college admission letter does not mean that they have their dreams

Recently, as the college entrance examination results from various places have been released, another group of young students have come to realize their dreams. For those students who are in adversity, receiving a college admission letter does not mean that they have their dreams in hand. They still need to overcome more practical difficulties before they can step onto a college campus with other students. These figures who face difficulties and strive for self-improvement have become a moving positive energy of youth every summer. In order to encourage more adversity students to bravely pursue their dreams, from now on, "Daily Positive Energy", a subsidiary of Alibaba Public Welfare, has joined hands with a number of key cooperative media such as , Xiaoxiang Morning News, and other key cooperative media to officially launch the 2022 "Positive Energy Inspirational Students' Dream Pursuing Program" across the country. We are looking for 100 inspirational students who have just entered college and award each with a scholarship of 10,000 yuan to help them study and live better.

The 2022 "Positive Energy Inspiring Students Dream Pursuing Plan" will be launched nationwide. As the co-sponsoring media of the 2022 "Inspiring Students Dream Pursuing Plan", this newspaper will officially start collecting stories of inspirational students from all over Hunan Province who are about to enter university campuses. The final selected students will receive 10,000 yuan from Tiantian Positive Energy. scholarship. At the same time, Tiantian Positive Energy will also invite award-winning students to serve as " Ali Positive Energy Campus Charity Ambassadors" for a term of one academic year. During the

period, Tiantian Positive Energy will continue to pay attention to the learning and growth of the award-winning students, and encourage them to actively participate in public welfare and use their actions to illuminate the three feet around them. If you can propose practical charity ideas, you can also apply for Tiantian Positive Energy special public welfare fund support .

Students who apply for the "Positive Inspiring Students Dream Scholarship" must be college freshmen admitted to public full-time undergraduate colleges and universities in 2022, love the motherland, abide by laws and regulations, and have both good character and academic performance; they must have practical difficulties in their family or themselves. Students who have not received funding from other sources will be given priority. If there are other special circumstances, it will be jointly evaluated by this newspaper and Tiantian Positive Energy. The deadline for the

event is August 31, 2022. If you have qualified inspirational students around you, or you are a student on the road to pursuing your dreams, you are welcome to recommend or self-recommend through Xiaoxiang Morning News, Morning Video News Hotline 0731-85571188.

Basic information required to register for this event: name, home address, graduate school, college entrance examination scores, inspirational deeds and other information.

At the same time, you can also directly send recommended materials to the official email of Tiantian Positive Energy:

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Chen Shixian

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