#2022 College Entrance Examination Season# Cultivating Fertile Ground for Independent Growth With the in-depth implementation of the "double reduction" policy and the "five management" regulations, the requirements for education to return to schools and classrooms have gradually

With the in-depth implementation of the " double reduction " policy and the "five management" regulations, the requirements for education to return to schools and classrooms have gradually improved.

Schools must assume the responsibility of being the main frontier of education, improve the quality of schooling, and strive to achieve the goal of allowing students to learn "well", that is, to provide education that satisfies the people. This requires seizing the classroom, improving the effectiveness of classroom teaching, and teaching everything that needs to be taught.

The main body of classroom teaching activities is students. The key to improving the effectiveness of classroom teaching is to mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of students to participate in teaching activities, actively promote effective group cooperative learning, and allow each student to find a suitable position for themselves and maximize their development. .

Effective group cooperative learning is inseparable from the guidance of the class teacher and classroom teacher. In the implementation of our school, the classroom teacher is the "advisor" of the cooperative group, guiding students to carry out group activities, guided by goals, and with group culture as the core. Members serve the group in positions that suit them based on their own personalities.

Group cooperation is cooperation guided by the concept of "independent education". First of all, we must establish the concept of "give students a chance, they will create a miracle", strive to cultivate fertile soil for independent growth, and cultivate students' independent learning, independent management , The ability to think independently promotes students' comprehensive development and personalized growth!