The 2022 finalist scores for the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's Strong Foundation Program have been announced. The school is recruiting students from 11 provinces and cities across the country this year, including Guizhou Province compared with last ye

The 2022 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's Strong Foundation Program finalist scores have been announced. The school is recruiting students from 11 provinces and cities across the country this year, including Guizhou Province compared with last year. The total number of people shortlisted for the Strong Foundation Program this year is 147, which is a decrease from 148 in 2021. 1 person.

Analysis of the number of finalists and the number of admissions candidates for the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China’s Foundation Strengthening Program in the past two years

Judging from the number of finalists in each province and city, the number of finalists in Beijing, Fujian, and Shandong in the past two years has all been 10, and Hebei and Chongqing have nearly The number of finalists in both years was 15. The 15 finalists in Zhejiang Province decreased by 1 compared with last year, the 16 finalists in Anhui Province increased by 1 compared with last year, the 10 finalists in Henan Province decreased by 7 significantly compared with last year, and the 10 finalists in Guangdong Province decreased by 5 compared with last year. There are 26 local finalists from Sichuan, one more than last year. Guizhou is a new enrollment province this year, with 10 new finalists.

2022 Shortlisted score line

Everyone knows that the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China plans to recruit students according to the provincial and municipal plans, and the number of shortlisted students is 5 times the planned number of students. From this we can conclude that the enrollment plan for 6 provinces and cities including Beijing, Fujian, Shandong, Henan, Guangdong, and Guizhou is 2 people, 4 places including Chongqing, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Hebei have 3 people each, and Sichuan local 5 people, totaling The total enrollment is about 29 students.

2021 Shortlisted score line

Judging from the shortlisted score lines of 11 provinces and cities this year, Guizhou Province is the only province with a shortlisted score below 600 points. The shortlisted score line is only 549 points, and the province’s science and engineering ranking is within 10,133.

Comparative analysis of the shortlisted scores and provincial rankings of various provinces and cities

Sichuan’s local shortlisted scores are 642 points, and the province’s science and engineering rankings are within 4311. The scores and rankings are very close to the 645 points and 4411 in 2021. It can be seen that the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China The strong foundation plan enrollment has a relatively stable status in the minds of local candidates in Sichuan.

The shortlisted score for Chongqing candidates this year is 615 points, which is significantly lower than last year's 646 points. However, judging from the ranking of shortlisted scores, this year's 615 points correspond to a ranking of 3498th in Chongqing's physics category, while last year it was 3486th. It can be seen that the difference in pure shortlisting scores is nearly 31 points, but in terms of rankings in the city, they are almost the same, with only a 13-place difference.

The situation in several other provinces and cities is that Beijing’s 622 points increased by 19 points compared with last year (5775 in the city increased by 1837 places compared with last year), Hebei’s 610 points dropped by 13 points compared with last year (6588 this year dropped by 585 places last year), Henan 618 The score dropped by 10 points compared with last year (the province’s 7814th position increased by 3105 places compared with last year), Guangdong Province’s 624 points increased by 12 points compared with last year (the province’s ranking of 8949th was almost half compared with last year’s 7523rd place), and Shandong’s 618 points increased from last year 1 point (ranking 7850th in the province, an increase of 1411 places from last year), Fujian’s 608 points, 8 points lower than last year (ranking 6764, a decrease of 942 places from last year), Anhui’s 611 points, 14 points lower than last year (ranking 7731) Ranked 1,152 places lower than last year), Zhejiang’s 627 points dropped 11 points compared to last year (ranked 22,678, dropped 9,799 places compared to last year).

Judging from the comparison of the scores and rankings of all the above-mentioned enrollment provinces and cities in the past two years, except for Henan and Guangdong, which saw a significant increase in the number of nominees due to a significant decrease in the number of nominees, Zhejiang was the one with the largest decline. Province, the ranking dropped by nearly 10,000 places, and the rankings of other provinces and cities did not change much.