In the rapidly developing modern society, everything changes very quickly. And our country attaches great importance to education. In recent years, our country has implemented many policies. The purpose is to improve the educational environment and improve educational standards.

In the rapidly developing modern society, everything changes very quickly. And our country attaches great importance to education. In recent years, our country has implemented many policies. The purpose is to improve the educational environment and improve educational standards. With the various reforms in the country, many parents have begun to worry that they cannot keep up with the pace of national reforms. I am worried that I will not be able to adapt to the development of the times and raise my children well.

Many parents will say that they cannot let their children lose at the starting line, but no one can give a clear definition of this starting line. Therefore, many parents choose to choose better schools for their children and squeeze their extracurricular time by directly enrolling them in various tutoring classes.

When choosing a school, in addition to some public schools, there are also some private schools. Many parents choose private schools in order to provide their children with a better education. But do you know what the differences are between public schools and private schools besides tuition fees?

Today’s graduates are becoming more and more involved. The most important thing in raising a child is the child’s education. Parents' expectations for their children are that their sons will become dragons and their daughters will become phoenixes. And for a country, if it wants to achieve better development, the most basic thing is the development of talents. Therefore, the importance our country attaches to education cannot be underestimated.

As parents of children, they put their children’s education first in the family. For children, it has always been the case that if other children have it, their own children should also have it, and if other children don’t have it, they should also prepare it for their own children. And a family that cultivates its children so carefully is so that the children can succeed in the future.

As for the question, before every family welcomes the arrival of a newborn, their expectations for the child are all, I hope that my child is healthy and happy. But when the children grow up little by little, they start going to school and take exams. Parents are also starting to want to see more from their children. For example, better grades, higher rankings, praise from teachers, appreciation from classmates, etc. Moreover, parents will always use other people's children to put pressure on their own children, and will slowly turn their children into their own bragging rights.

If we say that parents in the past would try their best to provide their children with reading. Today's parents are trying their best to send their children to the best schools to enjoy the best education. At this time, some parents will choose private schools.

However, on the one hand, the tuition fees of private schools are much higher than those of public schools. On the other hand, the country has also strengthened the assessment of the educational level of public schools. So some parents have begun to hesitate, whether to enroll their children in private schools. What is the gap between private schools and public schools?

First of all, the gap is the stability of the teachers. Because most teachers in public schools are established, and teachers under the establishment have relatively stable monthly salaries, and annual performance bonuses are also very considerable, so teachers are very stable and rarely encounter problems. to job changes.

However, teachers in private schools are completely different. Their salary is closely related to the grades of their classes and their own performance. The welfare benefits may not be as good as those of teachers within the establishment, and teachers in private schools are often under greater pressure, which results in teachers in private schools having less stability and higher mobility.

Generally speaking, teachers in private schools can get higher wages than teachers in public schools. However, teachers in private schools are particularly stressed because they have to pay special attention to students' performance and spend more energy than teachers in public schools.

So in the same way, if the results of the students brought out are not satisfactory, the teacher's salary will also be relatively low. Unstable wages are the fundamental reason for the high turnover of teachers in private schools.

The second point is that students in private schools are more stressed than students in public schools. Because private schools need to build their reputation, they need to do publicity every year for the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. Tell me how many students from your school have been admitted to 985, 211 prestigious schools and how many students from your school have high scores.

And because the tuition fees of private schools are relatively high, the family conditions of students in private schools are relatively good, and students are prone to a comparison mentality. It would be slightly better if parents and teachers could mediate. If parents do not pay attention to the psychology of their children in adolescence, students will be under great learning pressure.

One of the reasons why many parents pay more attention to education is the improved status of the high school entrance examination, because after the high school entrance examination, the probability of students entering high school and entering vocational high school is the same.

As a parent, you definitely hope that your child can enter high school, take the college entrance examination, and finally get into a university of your choice. However, it is an inevitable development trend that vocational high schools will divide half of the high school entrance examination students. Parents can only take ruthless measures in education, hoping that their children can get better results in the high school entrance examination.

As for whether to choose a private school or a public school, on the one hand, it depends on the economic conditions of the family, and on the other hand, it depends on the child's learning situation and learning status.

Today’s students’ learning pressure is already quite high. As parents, we should always be aware of the psychological changes of our children. We should not always put pressure on our children. We want them to have good grades and at the same time, we should also let them grow up happily.

#Today’s topic#

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