Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the Closing Ceremony of the First Happy Mental Education Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School.

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Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the closing ceremony of the first Happy Mental Education Activity Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School . Bright Scholar Education Group has long been paying attention to children's mental health growth and the cultivation of positive psychological qualities. In May this year, it launched the first Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Activity Month and Wellbeing with the theme of "Sunshine in the Heart, Resistance to Growth" In the Grand Prize Exhibition and Evaluation activity, after many rounds of competition, the Wellbeing Grand Prize was announced, drawing a successful conclusion to the Happy Mind Education Activity Month.

It is reported that in order to implement "new quality education" and help children grow up healthily, Bright Scholar Education Group launched the "Happy Mental Education" program as early as September last year. Together with many well-known psychological experts, with the theme of "Happy Mental Education", Develop a psychological service cloud platform, monitor mental health big data, build an integrated psychological education management system, create a happy psychological education curriculum system, build a campus security system and a campus psychological education power growth system.

Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the Closing Ceremony of the First Happy Mental Education Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School. - DayDayNews

" happiness " is a resource and motivation

"Happiness Education" comprehensively covers more than 100 campuses under Bright Scholar

"Happiness is not just a good feeling, it is a resource and motivation." Australia Dr. Xing Jin, a doctor of education from the University of Sydney and a teaching and research expert at Bright Scholar Education Group's Institute of Educational Sciences, believes that the core concept of "happy mind education" is based on people's understanding of happiness, helping people thrive in good times and thrive in adversity. recover. I hope that children can maintain a positive motivation when facing growth challenges.

During the psychological survey conducted with team members, Dr. It is difficult to provide one-on-one tutoring using traditional methods. "Happy Mind Education" has designed targeted expansion courses based on campus practice and expert guidance, which can provide psychological support to students through rich and interesting mental health activities, group counseling, etc., and help students effectively solve mobile phone network problems. Addiction, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and dislike of studying.

Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the Closing Ceremony of the First Happy Mental Education Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School. - DayDayNews

Doctor of Education from the University of Sydney, Australia, Dr. Xing Jin, a teaching and research expert at the Institute of Educational Sciences of Bright Scholar Education Group

Mental health education is education to improve the psychological quality of primary and secondary school students and is an important part of the implementation of quality education . As early as 2002, the Ministry of Education issued the "Guidance Outline for Mental Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools." The "14th Five-Year Plan and Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035" also clearly requires "improving the mental health and mental health service system", "strengthening children's mental health education and services", and "improving the social psychological service system and crisis intervention mechanism" .

Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the Closing Ceremony of the First Happy Mental Education Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School. - DayDayNews

Cheng Jinjin, Senior Vice President of Bright Scholar Education Group and President of Guangdong Country Garden School, presented awards to the winners.

Cheng Jinjin, Senior Vice President of Bright Scholar Education Group and President of Guangdong Country Garden School, said in his speech at the event, "Happy education" Since the launch of the project, it has received professional support and high-end leadership from many experts and scholars from South China Normal University and other universities, providing direction guarantee, professional foundation and wisdom for the "Happy Mind Education" project. Among them, Professor Liu Xuelan, associate dean of the School of Psychology of South China Normal University, Professor Tian Lili, head of the Department of Applied Psychology, Professor Chen Jun, Professor Wang Ling, head of the Department of Psychology, Professor You Jianing, Xin Professor Huang Xishan, Director of the Teacher Education Teaching and Research Center, and Associate Professor Chi Yukai, Director of the Department of Human Resources Management and Psychological Assessment. Based on different situations and the characteristics of primary and secondary school students’ emotional development, they elaborated on maintaining and promoting children’s mental health from multiple angles. content, methods and strategies. Each school gives full play to its initiative and creatively carries out mental health education. From system design to activity organization, it is full of creativity and ingenuity. It transforms the concept of mental education into solid educational actions, further enriching the school's educational connotation and improving its quality. . The

"Happy Mind Education" project covers more than 20 schools and more than 80 kindergartens under Bright Scholar Education Group.In addition, the project has not only spread to moral education professionals, head teachers, and subject teachers, but also provided special training for life teachers who work with children day and night to help them pay attention to children's emotional changes and use students' personal feelings as the core. Special emphasis is placed on student experience and feedback.

Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the Closing Ceremony of the First Happy Mental Education Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School. - DayDayNews

The first prize work of the four-frame comic competition

centered on students' feelings

formed a positive "resistance" cultural atmosphere on campus

Plant trees and educate people. South China Country Garden School 's tutoring system and "Happy Heart Festival", Phoenix Chinese and English School 's "Elegant Heart Education Festival", Wuyi Country Garden Chinese and English School 's "Gardening Healing Heart" themed activities, Guangdong Country Garden School’s diverse activities and peer psychological support, Jurong Country Garden School’s ’s smart parent classroom and happy tutoring system, and Shili Yintan School’s psychological garden party, each school has formed a positive cultural atmosphere of resistance to better escort Children grow up healthily.

In the process of promoting the "Happy Mind Education" project, the schools under Bright Scholar Education Group popularize mental health knowledge through popular and effective methods, guide students to explore themselves, and enhance students' awareness of self-help and mutual help and resilience. Promote the healthy growth of students.

Dr. Xing Jin introduced that the "Happy Mental Education" project will pay attention to mental health as a routine task, and regularly and actively carry out mental health counseling classes, online and offline mental health promotion activities, psychological group counseling and psychological salons for parents, etc. In the past, class teachers were the group of teachers who had the most responsibility for mental health education besides psychology teachers and moral education teachers. However, it was difficult for some children to open their hearts to the class teacher. For this reason, the "Happy Mind Education" project designed and implemented a class teacher Notice course to help class teachers. From a developmental perspective, dynamically observe students’ mental health status and provide appropriate support. At the same time, among other teacher groups within the group, we encourage and train teachers who are interested in psychology, provide them with learning opportunities, and help teachers better complete the work of "educating" while "teaching" so that children can There is more opportunity and willingness to talk to teachers. The Happy Growth Psychological Club is also a major feature of the "Happy Mental Education" project, which uses the power of peer support to provide children with psychological care, so that children can receive more psychological support.

Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the Closing Ceremony of the First Happy Mental Education Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School. - DayDayNews

The first prize work of the four-frame comic competition

"Happy Mental Education" project has been put into practice

It provides convenience for psychological education and also touches teachers and students

"An eighth-grade child came to me and said: ' As a teacher, if you become a class teacher, you can only help one class of children, but now that you are a psychology teacher, you can help students in the entire school. "This sentence gives me strength." Wuyi Country Garden Chinese and English School Psychology. Teacher Zhang Yin has been teaching for 30 years. She was originally a class teacher and Chinese teacher. A few years ago, she became a psychology teacher at the school. She believes that the "Happy Mind Education" project starts from positive psychology and resilience, cultivates students' sense of efficacy, belonging, and optimism, improves their sense of happiness, and also provides a direction for the psychology courses of the majority of psychology teachers.

Teacher Zhang Yin said that the psychological service cloud platform developed by Bright Scholar Education Group has provided great convenience for the majority of psychological teachers. Since the establishment of this platform, there are more psychological scales and to choose from, which are more professional, making it easier for psychology teachers to understand students' real thoughts, and teachers can also track changes in students' mental health based on data.

Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the Closing Ceremony of the First Happy Mental Education Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School. - DayDayNews

Zhang Yin, a psychology teacher at Wuyi Country Garden Chinese and English School

Xiaofan (pseudonym), a junior high school student at Guangdong Country Garden School, also told Nandu reporters that the school held mental health-related activities from time to time, which slowly opened up the knots in her heart. Xiaofan said that his grades have always been in the middle and upper reaches. Every time before an exam or when his grades drop, the pressure doubles and the whole person is in a state of tension. When you are under a lot of pressure, you will have some anxious emotions. You don’t know who to talk to, and you don’t dare to convey your negative emotions to your classmates. The pressure will accumulate more and more.The "Ten Tens of Mental Education" activity held every Thursday afternoon at

school gave Xiaofan (pseudonym) the opportunity to talk. When she frankly shared her difficulties and doubts, the psychology teacher would comfort and encourage her, and target her Solutions are given to the problems raised, and some gifts and snacks are also given to help soothe the mood. The pressure is released, and students can better move towards their ideals and goals.

The results of "Happy Mental Education" have exceeded expectations.

Future work will continue to expand on the existing basis.

In recent years, the mental health of adolescents has attracted widespread attention from the whole society. There are also many activities related to mental health education being promoted. "Happy Mental Education" How is it different from other activities? Shu Xuan, principal of Country Garden Experimental School and consultant of Bright Scholar’s ​​Happy Mind Education project, said that the “Happy Mind Education” program is more professional than other psychological construction activities.

It is reported that the "Happy Mind Education" project has achieved scientific identification of students' mental health risks through the construction of the Bright Scholar psychological service cloud platform. At present, Bright Scholar Education Group has 38,000 students in fourth grade and above within its service scope. The happy mental education curriculum system designed by the group provides targeted mental health education for different students. The "Happy Mind Education" project also uses schools as a platform to organize teachers and parents to learn mental health knowledge, empower teachers and parents, and allow teachers and parents to feel more positive power in their lives, thereby influencing children and truly Educate people by yourself.

Nandu News On July 2, the Bright Scholar Happy Mental Education Project Work Summary Conference and the Closing Ceremony of the First Happy Mental Education Month were held at Guangdong Country Garden School. - DayDayNews

Attendees took a group photo with the Wellbeing Award winner

"The results of the 'Happy Mind Education' project have exceeded expectations. The teachers of Mind Education are dedicated to escorting the 'Happiness Mind Education' project, and the children serve as participants, organizers and planners of the activities. The students shine brightly, and parents have given us support beyond expectations,” Principal Shu Xuan told reporters. Dr. Xing Jin also said that after a year of exploration, the "Happy Mental Education" project still needs to be explored in depth, expand ways to identify psychological risks, and help educators understand children through richer channels and more diverse methods. their inner world.

Bright Scholar Education Group stated that in the future, it will continue to provide mental health education to teenagers from multiple angles and in an all-round way, laying a solid foundation for children’s healthy growth and protecting their positive and sunny growth! We will continue to study, practice, teach, and integrate with the original intention of education, and gather the strength of all parties in an all-round way to continuously strengthen the fortress role of psychological education, all for the sake of the physical and mental health and happy growth of children.

Written by: Nandu reporter Ye Siming, intern Zheng Weihao

Pictures provided by the organizer

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