It’s graduation season again! The graduation season in recent years has been described as "the most difficult"! However, as the saying goes, there are more solutions than difficulties.

2024/05/2018:28:33 education 1707

It’s graduation season again! The graduation season in recent years has been described as "the most difficult"!

However, as the saying goes, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

In recent years, the proportion of graduates working flexibly and starting businesses has also increased. Some jobs that were once considered "not doing a proper job" and impossible to make a living, such as being a blogger, an Internet celebrity, live broadcasting, etc., are actually being used by young people. The game is booming and has become one of the high-paying professions. It has even gone from non-mainstream to one of the mainstream professions recognized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and can be tested for grades and certifications.

It’s graduation season again! The graduation season in recent years has been described as

It is reported on the Internet that the income of Douyin celebrities

Picture source | ZAKER

In addition, it is reported on the Internet that in recent years, there has been a trend of "seeking stability" for graduates to find jobs. The number of students who want to enter the system and large state-owned enterprises has increased significantly. Even the world's top School returnees, Qingbei graduates and other headhunting HR competition groups all want to squeeze into the "iron rice bowl" industry.

There are many topics about "graduate employment", and there are also many speculations and rumors. So what is the real situation?

Just some time ago, the " 2022 Chinese College Student Employment Report " edited by Max Research Institute was officially released.

Michaels has released a college student employment report every year since 2009. This year is already the 14th year. It can be said that it is very experienced in analyzing the trends of college graduates!

For current students, parents, and educators, this employment report is not just a look, but also has a lot of content worthy of our deep thought and consideration!


The proportion of undergraduate graduates studying for graduate school has increased

The number of second-time candidates has increased

If you fail to pass the exam once, then take the exam again

If the college entrance examination is for Chinese students A big hurdle on the way to school, then, for contemporary students, used to be only one The major test hurdles have now obviously become two or even three.

Undergraduate graduation is no longer considered the last step in campus studies. Postgraduate entrance examinations have become the graduation direction for many students.

According to reports, the proportion of undergraduate graduates in the class of 2021 studying at home and abroad is 19.2%, of which 17.2% are studying at home, an increase of 13% compared with the class of 2019 (15.2%).

It’s graduation season again! The graduation season in recent years has been described as

Picture source | "2022 Chinese College Student Employment Report"

This ratio is even more obvious in TOP schools such as Qingbei!

According to the "Tsinghua University 2021 Graduate Employment Quality Report", Tsinghua The proportion of 2021 graduates studying domestically is 28.5%, and the proportion going abroad (border) for further study is 6.9%. The data

has been confirmed in previous national graduate examinations.

According to data from the Ministry of Education, the number of applicants for the 2022 National Master's Degree Admissions Examination nationwide is 4.57 million, an increase of 850,000 from the 3.77 million applicants in 2021, with a growth rate of 23%, once again hitting a record high, becoming my country's graduate student This is the highest growth rate since the national unified examination.

In other words, the number of postgraduate entrance examinations has increased this year, breaking the historical record of the unified postgraduate examination!

There is also a very interesting data in the report -

Among the 2021 undergraduate graduates, the proportion of ready for "second brushing" reached 4.9%, which has increased compared with the same period of the previous two semesters.

It is more common for graduates from local undergraduate colleges to fail in their first postgraduate entrance examination. The proportion of "second-class" preparations for the class of 2021 reaches 5.0%, which is much higher than that of " double first-class " colleges.

Why has the number of postgraduate entrance exams increased so much?

There may be three reasons -

  • Affected by the epidemic control, some groups studying abroad have switched to domestic postgraduate entrance examinations;
  • Graduates are under great employment pressure, and graduates hope to increase their employment competitiveness through postgraduate qualifications;
  • Workplace academic qualifications are inscribed, and job recruitment requirements Start directly as a graduate student.

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