"Ling Cage" final chapter of high abuse plot is thought-provoking, look forward to the special chapter online on May 15

2021/05/1118:08:09 drama 2755

The final chapter of "Lingcage", which has been absent for half a year, finally aired during May 1. The high-energy plot tortured and cried countless audiences, causing heated discussions across the Internet, and many topics related to #Lingcong# also topped Weibo's hot searches list. In the final chapter, Mark, who was once regarded as a lighthouse hero by the people, was abused and hurt by the rabble on the way. Under the double raid of truth and human nature, the battle of the lighthouse unfolded fiercely. Its strong dramatic conflict and emotional tension not only Let the audience watch it "cool" and watch it "deeply". As a doomsday theme, "Spiritual Cage" also reflects reality, conveying deeper issues to the public through artistic expression: there is also hope in the end, and we do not forget to watch the light of humanity in the dark.

The final chapter takes advantage of the extreme environment of the apocalypse, and takes Mark far as the starting point, depicting a thrilling trial of human nature. When faced with the choice of life and death, will human beings continue to survive or fight for their true life? When the monster Mark appeared, the people of the lighthouse instinctively chose to live under malicious instigation, and changed their previous worship and respect for Mark, not only forgot his kindness for guarding the lighthouse and everyone, but also accused Mark from the moral commanding heights. Sentencing him to death, the fickle and true humanity is staggering. Although the people did not pass the test of humanity, there was still a ray of light in the darkness. Mark's former subordinates dispatched a collective rescue, and Ran Bing even gave his life to him, making Mark feel the only trace of warmth and kindness left on the lighthouse.

When Ran Bing was broken, the angry Mark started the "Battle of Revenge", and those who had betrayed Mark also paid a heavy price: either injured or dead. When Mark learned the truth of the three laws, he jumped off the lighthouse in despair.In the darkest hour, various emotions such as death, sadness, and pain enveloped the lighthouse, which touched the lighthouse people who were originally living like walking dead, and some people began to awaken their humanity. A Shangmin grandmother cried bitterly while holding her deceased child. The devout Hongpao Hui saw many abandoned people take off their masks and showed an unbearable expression. The Shangmin male who refused the breeding task and his beloved Chen The girls jumped off the lighthouse together. The lighthouse people finally realized that in the cruel environment of the apocalypse, in addition to living, there are more things worthy of their cherishing and protection, such as unswerving love, mutual dependence, friendship, and so on. The cage-like lighthouse of emotion began to loosen. Even though the exterior of the lighthouse has been repaired, their inner emotions have been awakened, and they will no longer live coldly.

The final chapter of "Spiritual Cage" chose to use a violent method to break the calm surface of the lighthouse. When presenting the extreme evil of human nature, it also allowed the public to glimpse the gradual glimmer of human nature in the darkness of the apocalypse. Although the hero has fallen and the villain has risen to the top, the hope of mankind is still there, so where will the beacon of awakening humanity go? Will Mark who goes down to the ground completely turn into a polar eater? Why did Bai Yuekui fight with Mark? Looking forward to the special chapter of "Ling Cage" at 12:00 on May 15, which will bring us more exciting plots and deeper spiritual shocks.

Source of graphic material official

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