Good time, beautiful scenery, good time cast list, introduction to the relationship between characters

2021/04/2222:50:49 drama 1629

"Good Days, Beautiful Times, Good Times" is a youth inspirational drama directed by Qin Zhen, starring Xu Lu and Lin Yi, special starring Hu Bing, and starring Hu Yunhao and Danni Chong. Then, Good Times, Good Times, Good Times Cast! Introduction to the relationship between the characters! Let's learn about it together! Introduction to the relationship between the characters in "Good Times":

Liang Chen (played by Xu Lu):

A star singer, who became attached to Lu Jing because of his endorsement of the game. Because of his good game play, he often pitted his teammates and was dubbed by Lu Jing as the "Millennium Box Spirit". , As everyone knows, the two will perform a period of mutual fortitude and grow together.

Lu Jing (played by Lu Yi):

A senior student in the Department of Computer Science of Nanze University, and also Herman, the e-sports anchor of the game "Beautiful Mind" in the play. Gun Gun Headshot Mobile Sniper is a senior anchor who is five years younger than Liang Chen, has a crush on Liang Chen, and is a big fan of Liang Chen. With his strong professional quality, he has positively influenced his classmates and made great contributions to social data research.

Ding Jiayun (played by Hu Bing):

A popular actor, Ding Jiayun, who later transformed into a perfect investor, has been silently guarding Liang Chen, elegant yet domineering, delicate and restrained, and likes Liang Chen, but he will not give her anything. to oppression.

Sun Binyu (played by Hu Yunhao):

Sun Binyu is a friend of Liang Chen and Lu Jing, and it is also the rope that affects the two of them. Originally, Liang Chen asked Sun Binyu to help him practice playing games. Lu Jing asked for help, and they had a good marriage.

Ma Shanshan (played by Danni Chong):

Ma Shanshan is a well-known actor and a person who has always been secretly in love with Sun Binyu. Later, he came together with Sun Binyu and has an unknown past with Liang Chen.

Liu Yiqing (played by Wang Ting):

Liang Chen's ace broker, responsible for handling Liang Chen's various affairs.

Meng Lanzhi (played by Du Yuchen):

A well-known female singer, who is Liang Chen's opponent and robbed Liang Chen's ex-boyfriend.

Yuan Keke (played by Jiang Yuwei):

Liang Chen's assistant, with a lively personality, helps to deal with Liang Chen's various chores at work.

Dear friends, you can start this new youth inspirational drama together!

The above is about the cast list of good times, beautiful times, good times! The relationship between the characters is introduced.

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