When many people buy a mobile phone, they only look at its performance and cost-effectiveness. There are also people who don’t understand the parameters of mobile phones at all and only listened to the salespeople in the mobile phone store bragging about them. As a result, they s

Many people only look at the performance and cost-effectiveness of mobile phones when buying them. Or just look at the brand and not the parameters. There are also people who don’t understand the parameters of mobile phones at all and only listened to the salespeople in the mobile phone store bragging about them. As a result, they spent thousands of dollars to buy a low- to mid-range mobile phone.

So today, let me teach you some good ways to choose a mobile phone offline! Don’t be fooled anymore!

1, screen and image

Some users who know a little about mobile phone parameters will look at the performance, processor and cost-effectiveness of the mobile phone when buying a mobile phone. However this is not enough. There are two parameters on a mobile phone that have a great impact on daily use, and that is the screen and image.

A brief summary: LCD is eye-friendly, but the color is not as good as OLED, and OLED has better color. As for the quality of the screen, the simplest thing is to look at the resolution and pixel density . The higher these two values, the better the screen. For example: the screen of Redmi K50 is a 2K direct screen produced by top screen manufacturer Samsung . The screen density is 526PPi, so it is a good screen.

Next is the image. Many people will step on this point. Some people think that the higher the pixels, the better the photos will be taken, some people think that expensive mobile phones must be good at taking photos, and some people think that buying a flagship imaging camera is a no-brainer.

In fact, these are all one-sided. The first step when choosing a camera phone is to look at the main camera. Under normal circumstances, the main camera will be used to take photos. The quality of the main camera basically determines whether the photo is good or not. Looking directly at the sensor size, the larger the base, the stronger the sensor. If you don’t understand, you can refer to the table below to check the sensor model of your phone. The same goes for the sub-camera.

If you want to buy the best imaging flagship this year, you can buy Xiaomi 12S Ultra. Because it is equipped with the industry’s strongest IMX989 sensor and a 1-inch outsole of the same style as the black card. In addition, there are Leica optical lenses and dual native Leica images in cooperation with Leica.

2, battery life and fast charging

Because the configuration of mobile phones is getting higher and higher, whether it is the high refresh rate of the mobile phone, the 2K resolution, or various large-scale games, it consumes a lot of power. Therefore, you must buy a mobile phone with a large battery. If the battery is small, fast charging can replace part of the function.

recommends buying a mobile phone with a 4500mAh battery to start with, and a mobile phone with a fast charge of 67w or above to ensure battery life and fast charging! Currently, the best fast charging and battery life solution is the 120w+5000mAh on the Redmi K50 Pro.

3, memory configuration

Many people like to buy 128G mobile phones, thinking that they can be hundreds of dollars cheaper. However, nowadays mobile apps are taking up more and more applications, and games are even more so. Instead of buying 128G, it is better to start with 256G. In terms of storage, it is recommended to start with 8G. If you have the money, just go for 12+512G and you can easily use it for three years.

The above are the three essential machine selection tips for offline purchase! If you learn how to do it, you can safely buy it offline without worrying about being hacked!