If you want to say which company is better at playing with colors on mobile phones, then OPPO must be the one to take the lead. Following the release of OPPO Reno8 Pro's dreamy "Tiui" color scheme, the new color scheme "Flower Fairy Purple" has also been reported. Once the new co

If you want to say which company is better at playing colors on mobile phones, then OPPO must be the one to take the lead. Following the release of OPPO Reno8 Pro's dreamy "Tiui" color scheme, the new color scheme "Flower Fairy Purple" has also been reported. Once the new color scheme was announced, it attracted countless passers-by and digital bloggers. Now that OPPO Reno8 Pro "Flower Fairy Purple" is on sale, let's take a look at their charm.

(OPPO Reno8 Pro "Iris Purple" is on sale)

"Flower Fairy Purple" color, Iris appearance

The inspiration for this Fairy Purple color comes from the iris in real life. Once the Huaxian Purple color poster was released, it also attracted praise from many netizens. Now that the real phone is on sale, everyone can also get a glimpse of the "Iris Purple" color scheme.

(OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple)

While the appearance color is close to the color of the iris, the petal texture of the iris has also been designed. Reflected in the OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple, there is a looming white texture, which adds a touch of fantasy to the purple. A sense of mystery. The "Flowing Cloud Double Mirror" design of the OPPO Reno8 series also shines in the flower fairy purple color scheme. The 75° arc outlines the golden section size, making it more comfortable to hold.

(Flower Fairy Purple + Liuyun dual-mirror design)

has surprising image performance.

As a member of the Reno series, in addition to its outstanding appearance, the photo effects are also very popular. OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple has OPPO’s self-developed Mariana .

In the daytime when there is sufficient light, OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple shows the power of the AI ​​algorithm. A relatively plain angle becomes more beautiful and moving when shot in OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple. It can restore the details of the sky clouds and the texture of the building to the greatest extent, ensuring the look and feel of the photo.

(OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple daytime sample shot)

And in dim light at night, the powerful computing power of Mariana X begins to show. OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple can properly suppress the highlights in extremely dark environments. The brightness of the dazzling light signs is accurately adjusted, and the brightness of the picture is kept within a moderate range. It will not reduce the brightness of the picture due to suppressing the highlights, thus ensuring the details of the dark parts. reduction.

(OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple night shot sample)

Self-portrait is also the specialty of OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple. Thanks to OPPO’s portrait algorithm matrix, it can accurately beautify faces when taking selfies. For example, the young lady in the sample photo maintains the natural texture of her face while improving her skin condition to become fairer and translucent. The facial features have also become more refined and three-dimensional due to algorithm blessing, but there is no obvious "mask feeling". Moreover, the trees in the background can also be photographed clearly under backlight conditions, ensuring that people and scenery complement each other.

(OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple Selfie Sample)


(OPPO Reno8 Series Summer Flower Fairy Purple Gift Box)

In general, the OPPO Reno8 Pro Iris Purple with Flower Fairy Purple color not only has outstanding appearance, but also has a better photo experience. Flagship phone. Now this "Flower Fairy Purple" color is on sale. Not only the large-sized OPPO Reno8 Pro, but also the medium-sized OPPO Reno8 also has this color. In addition, at 39.9, there are Oulon perfume blind boxes and Kira Jiji cigarette boxes. Pack a blind box to add a dreamy atmosphere to this summer.