Many netizens have recently reported that they found a configuration lock on the second-hand iPhone they bought during inspection. What is this? An iPhone with a configuration lock is also called an enterprise-customized phone. It is a mobile phone specially customized by some co

Many netizens have recently reported that they found a configuration lock on the second-hand iPhone they bought during the inspection. What is this?

An iPhone with a configuration lock is also called an enterprise-customized phone. It is a mobile phone specially customized by some companies to Apple. It is equipped with a configuration lock. When needed, the company can lock the phone at any time.

So since this is a machine specially customized by the enterprise, why does it appear on the market?

Generally, there are two cases of enterprise customized mobile phones. The first one is the mobile phone customized by the enterprise for its own employees, which will be taken back when the employees leave. The other is that some rental platforms customize mobile phones and rent them out. Therefore, the customized machines on the market most likely come from the second situation.

It is very likely that after the phone was rented out, it was not returned, but was taken out and sold as a normal second-hand iPhone. The biggest risk for an iPhone like

is that it may be locked by the company at any time. Once locked, it will be basically useless.

Therefore, when you buy a second-hand iPhone, it is best to test it first and check whether it has such problems, so as not to step into a trap.