In just over two months, in September, Apple will bring iPhone 14 series models as usual. News from all sources believe that the iPhone 14 series will still consist of four models. However, the mini model, which was once loved by small-screen enthusiasts but not many people bough

There are still more than two months left, that is, September, Apple will bring iPhone 14 series models as usual.

News from all sources believe that the iPhone 14 series is still and .

However, the mini model, which was once popular among small-screen enthusiasts, but not many people bought it, was about to be abandoned by Apple because its sales fell short of expectations.

replaces the mini model with another large-screen model , with a screen size of 6.7 inches .

Previous news broke that this large-screen model will be named iPhone 14 Max. It is the large-screen model of the standard iPhone 14 and will not have some configurations of the Pro model.

However, sources now say that Apple may rename this iPhone 14 Max model to iPhone 14 Plus.

prevents naming from causing misunderstandings about product positioning.

First of all, because Apple once used the Plus suffix in naming, which allows users to know that it is a large-screen device at a glance. Using the name iPhone 14 Plus makes it easier for users to understand .

And now in Apple’s self-developed chip product line, the positioning and performance of M1 Max chip are higher than M1 Pro. According to this naming rule, the product positioning and performance of Max suffix should be higher than that of Pro suffix.

However, the new iPhone 14 large-screen model is just a large-screen version of the standard iPhone 14. The performance and positioning of are definitely not as good as the of the Pro model.

From this perspective, this new large-screen model, called iPhone 14 Plus, is indeed more suitable for .