Friends who use Apple computers should have heard of the tool CleanMyMac X. How to use it? See the final Chinese cracked version of CleanMyMac disk space.

Friends who use Apple computers should have heard of the tool CleanMyMac X. How to use it? See the last

CleanMyMac of disk space.

CleanMyMac X

CleanMyMac x Personally think that Important features like apps and emptying the recycle bin.

One-click intelligent cleaning

One-click intelligent cleaning can directly perform one-stop cleaning on Mac, automatically scanning all files on Mac, including: Mac system cleaning, mail application cleaning, large & old file cleaning, itunes file cleaning, Trash cleaning, etc.

only requires three steps: open CleanMyMac—Scan—Clean to complete intelligent mac cleaning!

Can I use

after installation? Not much nonsense, just go to the picture above. Experienced drivers should all know

. At the end, if you have used this tool, you can tell me how this tool is. All my friends around me must have this tool. Yes, if you think it is worth using, tell me

in the comment area