According to a recent report from a technology website, due to the continued decline in global semiconductor prices, TSMC's three major customers (Apple, AMD and NVIDIA) have reduced their orders.

According to a recent report from a technology website, TSMC's three major customers (Apple, AMD and Nvidia) have reduced their orders due to the continued decline in the global semiconductor market.

Nvidia allegedly cuts 5nm wafer orders for the GeForce RTX 40 series

In the section about Nvidia, the report states that Nvidia, which switched back to TSMC from Samsung , has cut its 5nm wafer orders. Not surprisingly, these wafers are NVIDIA's next-generation RTX40 series GPU cores. As for why Nvidia will reduce its expected 5nm orders, the report also provides an explanation. The first is caused by the global environment. The new crown pandemic that has been raging around the world for two years is coming to an end, and special circumstances under the epidemic such as working from home are constantly decreasing. That means the PC and electronics market is slowing down rapidly. This doesn't just affect Nvidia. Apple, another major customer of TSMC, also hopes to reduce its orders for related Apple chips in view of the current situation. But for Nvidia, the slowing global PC market isn't even the biggest worry, but the recent violent turmoil in cryptocurrencies. After the cryptocurrency experienced a sharp decline in early June, mining cards on major second-hand trading markets around the world began to impact the deformed graphics card market.

These graphics cards prices are much cheaper than the prices listed by retailers. Not only that, the report pointed out that the current inventory pressure of the 30 series of major manufacturers is also very high. Therefore, Nvidia urgently needs to make some space for the 40 series graphics cards. Therefore, the report concluded that Nvidia had to adjust its original order due to pressure from these two aspects. original news from: DigiTimes