In recent years, there have been more and more users of projectors. Compared with TVs, they are larger in size and occupy a smaller area. It not only meets the viewing needs of large-screen enthusiasts, but also allows many game players to experience the joy of immersive gaming.

In recent years, there have been more and more users of projectors. Compared with TVs, they are larger in size and occupy a smaller area. It not only meets the viewing needs of large-screen enthusiasts, but also allows many game players to experience the joy of immersive gaming. So what should you pay attention to when choosing a projector?


Generally, 1080P resolution is enough for our daily use, but if you want a good gaming experience, you can consider a 4K ultra-high-definition projector. What should be noted is whether this 4K resolution is "standard" or "compatible" .

standard resolution refers to the clarity of the projected image in actual use, and compatible resolution refers to the highest playable resolution, which means that it only supports 4K quality playback, but the final resolution is still standard resolution. high image quality.

refresh rate

Considering that the picture movement in the game will be more dynamic and faster than watching the movie, and the movement trajectories of some racing games are also more tortuous, so when choosing a game projector, a refresh rate of 120Hz and above should be preferred. Better


The memory of the projector is also divided into two parts: running memory and memory. Of course, the larger the two values, the better. The running memory (RAM) is the space where the running program of the projector temporarily stores the program . The larger the running memory capacity, the smoother the operation will be, and the more programs can be run at the same time. Generally, the running memory is 2GB. If you want to play large-scale games, it is recommended to consider more than 3GB of running memory.


brightness is the most intuitive parameter we can feel after turning on the projector. The higher the brightness, the clearer the picture will be. Brightness is generally expressed in two units: ANSI lumens, and light source lumens, which are not the same. If converted, 3200 light source lumens is approximately equal to 1200 ANSI lumens, so everyone should pay attention to the brightness unit when purchasing a projector. For gaming projectors, it is recommended to give priority to products with 2500 ANSI lumens and above.

The above parameters can be used as a reference for everyone when purchasing a projector. For specific information, you can pay attention to the sofa butler information. We will evaluate some projectors in the future. If you have any questions about projectors, smart TVs and TV boxes, you can send us a private message~