What are the black technologies of Huawei mobile phones?

What are the black technologies of Huawei mobile phone ?

Tap the screen twice with your finger knuckles to take a direct full-screen screenshot

Press and hold the screen to draw a closed circle, and you can screenshot the circle, and you can also select the shape

Friends who have used Huawei know that it has a magic operation, that is, different interfaces will appear with different unlocking methods. To put it simply, there are two avatars in one mobile phone. We know that QQ and WeChat can be avatars, and now the mobile phone screen can be avatars. Is there anything else? Anything else? There is also a privacy space, which can also be split-screen on Huawei phones. Method: Click [Settings]-[Security and Privacy]-[Privacy Space], and then you can set the password and fingerprint unlock for the Private Space, so that different passwords will open different interfaces.

Who doesn’t have some more important files in their mobile phone, such as information, documents, pictures, etc. If they feel important, then put them in a safe. Not only are there safes in banks, but also in mobile phones. Yes! Method: Click [Settings]-[Security and Privacy]-[File Safe]-[Enable Now] to use it, and you will feel safe.

letter opens the application! All it takes is one simple letter. Method: Click [Settings] - [Intelligent Assistance] - [Gesture Control] - [Letter Gestures], turn on the "Draw Letters" option, and then you can start setting up the software you need to open with letters.

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