Not long ago, news of the iPhone 14 series broke out on the Internet. According to the news, the iPhone 14 series will be divided into two sizes and four models, namely iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Max, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.

Not long ago, news of the iPhone 14 series broke out on the Internet. According to the news, the iPhone 14 series will be divided into two sizes and four models, namely iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Max, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. According to the previous release rhythm, the iPhone 14 series is expected to be released in the fall of September.

Among them, iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max are revealed to still use special-shaped notch screens, and may still be equipped with A15 chips, while iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max will use exclamation mark screens, while the processors will be upgraded to A16 chips, and the cameras will also be upgraded. upgrade.

Although it seems that iPhone 14 and iPhone 13 have not changed much, news from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo shows that judging from the latest survey results of domestic dealers, retailers and scalpers, domestic retailers/distributors/scalpers The highest prepayment deposit ever paid for the iPhone 14 series ensures sufficient supply. The prepayment is significantly higher than that of the iPhone 13, which also means that domestic demand for the iPhone 14 may be higher than expected.