When you think of your father, what comes to your mind? Is it the busy but absent parent in childhood, the back figure in the text when he was a teenager, or the implicit and deep father's love in adulthood... The father always contributes to the family silently, but does not car

When you think of your father, what comes to your mind?

is the busy but absent parent in childhood,

is the back figure in the text when he was a teenager,

is the implicit and deep father's love in adulthood...

Father always silently contributes to the family,

but does not care about his own body,

As the children grow up and

truly understand their father's deep love,

they gradually grow old.

# Do you know your father’s health? #

" Huang Di Nei Jing " talks about a man's "48, the muscles and bones are swollen, the muscles are strong; the 58, the kidney qi is weak, the teeth are haggard; the 68, the yang energy is exhausted, the face is burnt, and the hair is white; Seventy-eight, the liver qi is weak, the muscles cannot move, the Tiangui is exhausted, the kidneys are weak, and the body is in extreme condition; the eighty-eight, the teeth are gone. The kidneys control water and receive the essence of the five internal organs and store it, so the five internal organs are overflowing and can have diarrhea." .

The age of 45 is a "watershed" for men's health. Physical fitness has declined, and the functions of many important organs have slowly begun to decline, leading to aging. At this time, fathers will begin to feel powerless and often suffer from fatigue, insomnia, headaches, lack of concentration, etc. Many diseases begin to come to their doorstep.

Caring for father’s health

Start with Fachio Persephone-P1 strontium-rich mineralized pure water machine

A cup of healthy water containing strontium

Strengthening father’s body

Related research shows that 99% of the total strontium element It exists in human bones and is a normal part of human bones and teeth. FACHIOO The water produced by the FACHIOO mineralized strontium-containing filter element contains strontium as high as 1.721mg/L.

"Strontium element" can effectively protect mitochondria, the "energy factory" of cells, slows down cell aging, supplies energy , and Persephone-P1 helps fathers improve their youthful vitality.

"Strontium element" makes tooth enamel not easily dissolved by acidic substances Inhibits bacterial growth and reduces dental caries , Persephone-P1, protects father's healthy teeth.

"Strontium element" can promote bone formation and help improve bone strength , Persephone-P1, to strengthen the father's body!

Pure water purification rate reaches 99.99%

Enhance father's body immunity

Older fathers are more susceptible to bacterial infections due to reduced body resistance, so they also need to pay more attention to drinking water. According to the sterilization report of the authoritative organization, the pure water purification rate of Fachiou's strontium-rich mineralized water purifier P1 reaches 99.99%, which can effectively eliminate bacteria. Drink healthy mineralized water every day to enhance your father's immunity.

Dual purification water outlet system

makes father's life choices more convenient

Fachi's strontium-rich water purifier P1 realizes RO+PCT "true" dual water outlet, innovatively adds strontium-rich mineralization technology, in addition to the RO reverse osmosis 4-stage filtration system, It also adds strontium-rich mineral active technology to realize dual water output from natural mountain springs, " domestic water purification " and " strontium-rich mine spring water ".

Purified domestic water

Good ingredients also need good water to filter out harmful substances such as residual chlorine, sediment, rust, peculiar colors and odors in the water. It is more suitable for cooking and preparing healthy food, and helps fathers improve their dietary health.

Natural strontium-rich mineral water

Boils water without scale, and the water tastes better and more fragrant. The natural strontium-containing mineral water has a sweet and refreshing taste. Buy a water purifier like this for your father who loves tea, and make a pot of mellow and delicious tea. Tea adds more flavor.

The automatic water cut-off and horizontal pull-out cartridge replacement is more convenient. Spin quick-turn cartridge replacement technology allows you to replace the filter element independently in three steps with just one turn. It is also very friendly to older fathers and can easily replace the filter element. intelligent automatic cleaning and 360-degree rotating flushing free up the father's hands and make him less tired.

Give a strontium-rich mineralized pure water machine to the fathers who silently protect their families