"All kinds of temptations on the road of life are hard to guard against. They are as pervasive as bacteria, corroding your tree of life and making you fall into eternal disaster." Temptation is a cup of chronic poison that quenches thirst, and a beauty with a snake-hearted heart.

"All kinds of temptations on the road of life are hard to guard against. They are as pervasive as bacteria, corroding your tree of life and making you fall into eternal disaster."

Temptation is a cup of chronic poison that quenches thirst, and a beauty with a snake-hearted heart. Give you short-term happiness, give you the final blow of life, just like moths rushing to the flame, the bright light makes them ruin their lives.

I don’t know if you still remember a major news in 2012: 7-year-old boy sold one of his kidneys to buy a iPhone 4.

More than ten years have passed, how is he doing now?

In 1995, Wang Gang was born in a poor family in Anhui. His parents were ordinary farmers, and the family conditions were not particularly good. Growing up under such conditions, he envied the lives of his peers who had good family conditions. In 2011, 17-year-old Wang Gang was still a high school student. At that time, the iPhone 4 mobile phone was setting off a craze, attracting many people to buy it. So far, the iPhone has been warmly welcomed and sought after by people.

At that time, the price of an "iPhone 4" was about 4,000 to 5,000 yuan, which was basically two months' salary for a working-class family, so it was also called a "rich machine." In the wave of following the trend and vanity, anyone who owns this mobile phone will become the envy of his classmates and be regarded as a status symbol of the "rich".

There are more and more classmates with iPhone4 around. Wang Gang looked at the iPhone 4 in the hands of his classmates, and then looked at his own button phone. The difference was not even a little bit different. He couldn't help but feel sad and inferior in his heart, and even felt envious and jealous. Feeling jealous, he secretly made up his mind to buy an "iPhone 4".

Wang discussed it with his parents as soon as he returned home. However, such an expensive price was extremely difficult for his parents, as they had to do a lot of work to earn so much money. Wang Gang's parents rejected his request, so he didn't mention it again. He decided to work part-time on his own to earn money to buy it.

But the money from part-time jobs was a drop in the bucket compared to the price of iPhone 4. Wang Gang felt so overwhelmed that he didn't even have the time to study. He was busy trying to make money all day long.

Some people want to get more things because of greed, but they lose everything they have now.

At this time, Wang Gang never imagined that he would pay a lifetime price for a mobile phone worth thousands of dollars. Wang Gang browsed information online all day long, until one day he saw a message, "As long as you sell a kidney, you can get a reward of more than 20,000 yuan."

Wang Gang's heart was about to move. Driven by vanity, he didn't think much and couldn't wait to contact the black agency. At first, after chatting with the black intermediary, Wang Gang was still a little hesitant, but under the continuous brainwashing of the black intermediary, Wang Gang went to Chenzhou alone to conduct transactions without any worries. When he came to Chenzhou, he contacted someone from a black agency and stayed in a rental house. The black agent used his connections to rent an operating room and roped in a kidney transplant expert and three nurses from a hospital to perform the operation.

On April 28, the operation was performed without safety facilities and sterilization, and Wang Gang's right kidney left him forever. After nine hours, the operation was over. After waking up, Wang Gang was immersed in the joy of having a brand-name mobile phone, and did not realize how losing a kidney would affect his future life.

According to the agreement, Wang Gang received a remuneration of 22,000 yuan after the operation. After a few days of rest, he used the money to buy himself an apple 4 and an iPad 2. His vanity was greatly satisfied. One day, his mother saw this mobile phone and asked him where it came from. Wang Gang replied perfunctorily: I picked it up. Mother obviously didn't believe what he said, but no matter how she asked, Wang Gang said he picked it up, so mother had no choice but to give up.

At first, Wang Gang didn't notice any physical discomfort, but as time went by, his health became worse and worse day by day. From being depressed at the beginning to being bedridden later on.

It was Wang Gang's mother who first discovered that there was something wrong with her son. He tried to conceal it, but under Wang's mother's questioning, Wang Gang had to tell the whole story. Wang Gang's parents couldn't care less about their sadness and hurriedly took their son to the doctor. As a result, he was assessed as a third-level disability. The reason was that the harsh operating environment at that time led to wound infection and severely damaged Wang Gang's left kidney. , because he missed the best chance. The treatment time was too long and the doctors were powerless to do anything, and the result was undoubtedly sad.

Wang Gang's parents were furious and immediately called the police. With the help of Wang Gang, the police captured He Wei and other suspects. In the end, the main person in charge of the "black intermediary" was sentenced to 5 years in prison, and the rest of the group was also punished. As victims, Wang Gang's family received more than one million yuan in compensation, but no amount of money can restore Wang Gang's health.

There is no regret medicine in the world. If you make a mistake, you have to pay the corresponding price.

More than ten years have passed, and the boy who is supposed to have a good life is still lying on the bed. The 1.9-meter-old boy does not have the vitality that a young man should have, and his face is dull. At this time, he may be thinking, how great it would be if he could go back to that day, how great it would be if he could resist the temptation, but after all, he can't go back.

The past ten years have been extremely painful for him. He can only lie in bed all day long, unable to see the beautiful world outside, and unable to feel the beauty of life. Life is worse than death every day, like a walking zombie. All the hopes for the future are gone, and I often feel regretful.

Wang Gang's health deteriorated and he could only rely on machines to maintain his life. The daily cost was tens of thousands, and the compensation money had already been spent. In order for Wang Gang to survive, the couple did not hesitate to sell their property, but this was just The tip of the iceberg, the two elders turned gray because of this worry.

Whenever Wang Gang looks at his parents' pale hair, he always sheds tears because he has disappointed his parents. He once thought about ending his life so that his parents would no longer have to work hard for him, but he was the only son in the family and his parents' favorite child. How could they give up a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

There are many examples like this in life. Some people do not hesitate to borrow campus loans or naked loans for their own vanity. In the end, they pay with their lives because they cannot repay the huge debt.

It is impossible for a person to have everything in his lifetime. Rather than letting the things you don't have tempt you and ruin your life, it's better to settle for the little happiness and peace you already have. If Wang Gang could understand this truth back then, maybe things wouldn't be like today.

It is really a pity that a good life is ruined by desire.