In the hot summer, when work matters are trivial and your mind is in a mess, your overall efficiency begins to decrease. Today I would like to recommend 4 efficient tools that are very refreshing to use. Each one is carefully selected. 1. Refocus the simple Pomodoro application.

In the hot summer, when work matters are trivial and your mind is in a mess, your overall efficiency begins to decrease.

today recommends 4 efficient tools that are very refreshing to use. Each one is carefully selected.



Simple Pomodoro Application

Pomodoro Technique I believe everyone has heard it. Work or study without distraction for 25 minutes, and then rest for 5 to 15 minutes. It is simple and easy to implement.

Refocus is such a minimalist Pomodoro application with a relatively simple and refreshing interface. Complete your work or learning goals through timing and statistics, without any other bells and whistles.

Of course, if you are not used to this rhythm, you can freely adjust the time nodes. After completing a round of Pomodoro, the system will automatically count your working/study time and the number of Pomodoros completed.

Overall, this is a simple and beautiful App. If you only need simple functions like Pomodoro, you can try Refocus. For individuals, this app is free.


My time

helps you develop the habit of counting time

Why did the day pass so quickly even though you did nothing? Where has the passing time been spent?

Many people have not developed the habit of counting time, and they still have an indifferent attitude towards time. But in fact, muddling along like this is very detrimental to us achieving our goals and achieving personal progress. Recording and analyzing time can help you continuously optimize your work and study.

Of course, it is not realistic to manually record the time every moment. In this case, you can use the time statistics app My time.

After downloading and using this App, you first need to select the projects that take up most of your time, so that time recording will be more targeted. Other things that don't take up much time can be ignored.

In addition, My time will also pay special attention to your emotional feedback. When you finish a recording, you can record how you felt emotionally. If the emotional feedback of something is not very good in the long run, then it can be adjusted and optimized.

Finally, My time also provides statistical functions. You can see the time you spend on various items, and you can also see your emotional changes.

This App is free to download, but requires a paid subscription.



Search-based data visualization BI

In work, it is often necessary to regularly report work, review projects, and produce analysis reports. Most people use excel to record data, then process the data, and place the processed charts in PPT.

Excel and PPT will freeze after containing too much data and content. If you are unlucky, you will have to start over without saving.

If the boss makes new requests, you will have to revise them repeatedly. If you change the data, you will really have to make major changes.

Why bother? A data visualization platform can solve it. DataFocus is a search-based analysis cloud BI platform. If you search for keywords like and Google , the system will answer with automatically adapted visual charts and respond in seconds.

Then put the charts on the same large screen and add text, so you can easily handle reports and speeches. Moreover, the large screen is still linked. For example, if you click "Zhejiang Province" in the component, the entire large screen will be the data of Zhejiang Province. Isn't this better than PPT?

Of course, the enterprise version of this BI tool is paid, but the personal version is free.



Simple and easy-to-use vector drawing tool

This tool is a vector drawing tool that is very suitable for novices. In terms of functions,

includes simple multi-layer processing, geometric shapes, addition, and gradient editing. You can also import materials from tools such as Photoshop into Amadine.

vector graphics can also be easily created by novices. The software provides a variety of complex gesture operations.

Friends who are familiar with vector graphics may find it easier to use, and it will be more efficient than other vector drawing tools.

Well, this software is paid to use, so you can consider it as appropriate.


If you don’t accumulate small steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles.

believes that if you insist on using these efficient tools, you will feel your progress. So, what other tools would you like to recommend? Welcome to comment and share in the comment area.