In recent months, rumors related to the iPhone 14 series have frequently emerged. It is basically certain that the iPhone 14 mini will be eliminated and replaced by another new 6.7-inch iPhone. Although the screen size is the same as iPhone14ProMax, the name was changed from the

In recent months, rumors related to the iPhone 14 series have frequently emerged. It is basically certain that the iPhone 14 mini will be eliminated and replaced by another new 6.7-inch iPhone. Although the screen size is the same as iPhone14ProMax, the name was changed from the original iPhone14Max to iPhone14Plus. According to foreign media reports, the main reason for reverting to the phone naming from 5 years ago is because the name Plus makes it easier for Apple fans to accept it, and the iPhone 14 Max is easily confused with the iPhone 14 Pro Max. You must know that the screens of these two mobile phones are the same. If they are even named the same, Apple fans are likely to buy the wrong model. #iPhone14Plus#

The first time Apple adopted the product name of Plus was in 2014. It first adopted the large-screen iPhone6, and added Plus at the end, which is iPhone6Plus, and the screen reached 5.5 inches. This naming lasted for about three years until Apple canceled the naming after the iPhone 8 Plus was released in 2017. In September this year, Apple will launch four iPhone14 models at the autumn conference, one of which will be named iPhone14Plus. The previously rumored iPhone14Max will also be cancelled.

You must know that iPhone14 Plus focuses on large screens. Plus actually means "+", while Max means "big". Now that there is iPhone 14 Pro Max, it is easy for Apple fans to get it wrong. After all, the names of iPhone 14 Max and 14 Pro Max are too close, and the sizes are both 6.7 inches. It is likely that Apple fans will not be able to distinguish the difference in specifications and buy the wrong model. In fact, Apple also considers that Apple fans will suffer losses if they buy the wrong model. Therefore, it is reasonable to use iPhone14Plus as the name.

However, some netizens have questioned that the appearance and material differences between iPhone 14 Pro Max and 14 Max are actually very obvious. You must know that 14ProMax will be equipped with three rear lenses, while 14Max will only be equipped with dual lenses. Another point worth mentioning is that the iPhone 14 Pro Max will be equipped with a capsule punch screen, while the iPhone 14 Max will still be equipped with a notch screen. Therefore, fruit fans should not be able to make mistakes so easily.

iPhone14Plus will use a large-capacity battery. After all, the screen is a 6.7-inch LPTS OLED panel, which is almost the same as the iPhone14 in terms of appearance design. But one thing needs to be pointed out in particular, that is, the processor is still the A15 bionic chip and not the A16. This is a bit worthless for Apple fans, after all, Apple’s new phones are equipped with new processors every year. If the A15 processor is used, many Apple fans may feel that it is more reliable to buy iPhone13. After all, the iPhone 13 is cheaper, and the processor is also an A15 chip, based on the 5nm process technology.

The advantage of iPhone14Plus is that the battery capacity and screen are so large. For users with limited budget, if the price of iPhone14Plus is low, it may become the best-selling large-screen iPhone after iPhone11 and iPhoneXR.