Recently, hot weather all over the country has been on the news, making the hot search a real "hot" search. Deaths from heat stroke have also occurred in Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places. The phrase "It's so hot" is not just a sentiment but a reality. What makes people tired i

2024/07/0200:23:32 digitals 1316

Recently, hot weather all over the country has been on the news, making the hot search a real "hot" search. There have also been deaths from heat stroke in Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places. The phrase "It's so hot" is not just a sentiment but a reality.

What makes people tired is not only the hot weather, but also the hot mobile phone. You must have been playing well on your mobile phone and suddenly the prompt "please cool down your phone before using it" appeared. This feels so bad!

Recently, hot weather all over the country has been on the news, making the hot search a real

What causes the phone to heat up?

What should I do if my phone gets hot?

How to reduce the heat of mobile phone?

1. What causes the phone to heat up?

1. Too many software running in the background: Some programs are opened in the background. If they are not completely exited after use, and the running programs are relatively large, the phone's CPU will continue to operate at high load and release more heat.

2. Play while charging your mobile phone : When our mobile phone is charging, it is already working. If we continue to use the mobile phone at this time, the heat generated by the battery load operation will be more than usual, and it is inevitable that the mobile phone will become hot.

3. Other factors: When using a mobile phone when the signal is poor and the network is poor, the power of the mobile phone will increase and the mobile phone will heat up. In addition, the heat dissipation performance of the mobile phone itself is also very important. Poor heat dissipation will cause the phone temperature to be too high.

2. What should I do if my phone gets hot?

Recently, hot weather all over the country has been on the news, making the hot search a real

1. Choose to turn off the background running program and turn off the program background auto-start to reduce the load on CPU. Reduce the duration of continuous use of high-energy-consuming software, turn off unused function switches: such as Bluetooth , personal hotspot, location services, etc., appropriately reduce the screen brightness or reduce the screen always-on time.

2. Avoid choosing mobile phone cases made of metal, silicone and other materials. Try to choose thin and breathable mobile phone cases. Or when the phone is charging or the temperature rises, take off the phone case for a while and leave the phone screen for a while.

3. Try to use your mobile phone in an environment with good network and signal conditions.

Finally, how can we reduce the heat of the mobile phone? In fact, mobile phones need rest just like people. After using the mobile phone for a long time, put it down appropriately to let the mobile phone and your eyes rest. If your mobile phone frequently gets hot, it is best to go to a professional repair shop for repairs to avoid safety hazards.

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