Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC

2024/06/2816:21:33 digitals 1225

Press: Despite constant bug problems, iPhone13 is still the best-selling model in China until now.

Thanks to the price strategy , the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market as soon as it was released. According to this yearā€™s 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTCHAT, iPhone 13 ranked first in sales, more than 8 times the sales volume of the second place.

Behind the popularity of the iPhone 13 series in the market, product quality issues have also been repeatedly questioned.

Recently, consumer Ms. Zhou reported to " Consumer Report " that the iPhone 13 she purchased at Apple Tmall flagship store during June 18, after receiving the goods and using it normally for 3 weeks, the screen appeared. Touch unresponsive issue. still has the same problem after reinstalling the system in the offline official flagship store. The clerk told Ms. Zhou that it was probably a hardware problem and suggested that she return the phone to the factory for repair and testing. Ms. Zhou said that her request is to replace the phone with a new one and she is not satisfied with Apple's current handling results.

In fact, the problem of screen touch failure has become a common trouble for many iPhone 13 series owners. This magazine found that many users have recently reported that the iPhone 13 purchased during the 618 promotion has an unresponsive screen touch problem. On the black cat complaint platform, this magazine noticed that since the launch of iPhone 13 in September 2021, complaints about the touch failure of the iPhone 13 series screen have continued to appear. When "screen" and "iPhone 13 screen" were searched as keywords, the results showed that there were 871 and 216 complaints respectively.

Why does the screen touch unresponsiveness problem reported by Ms. Zhou occur? The same problem continues to occur. Is it because the iPhone 13 series all have quality defects? html On July 13, when "Consumer Reports" called Apple's official customer service to express its need for an interview, the other party provided the magazine with the email contact information of the relevant department. However, after this magazine sent an interview letter to Apple based on the contact information provided by customer service, as of the time of publication, it had not received a relevant reply.

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

ā–²Picture source: PIXABAY

The screen touch failed after 3 weeks of normal use

Ms. Zhou told Consumer Reports that during June 18 this year, she spent 5,999 yuan on an iPhone 13 at Appleā€™s official Tmall flagship store. However, after After receiving the goods and using it for 3 weeks, the screen became unresponsive to touch. Ms. Zhou said that she has been using her mobile phone normally and there was no human damage.

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

ā–²Photo provided by consumer

In desperation, Ms. Zhou took the phone to Appleā€™s official offline flagship store for repair. After the store repair staff reinstalled the system on the phone, the same problem still occurred. The clerk told Ms. Zhou that it should be a hardware problem and suggested that she return the phone to the factory for repair and testing.

Ms. Zhou said that on July 11, she had taken her mobile phone to the official offline flagship store for return to the factory for repair. It is estimated that it will take a week or two for the test report results to be available.

Ms. Zhou questioned that the problem of iPhone 13 screen unresponsiveness should be a problem with Appleā€™s design or product quality itself. She revealed to this publication that a search on Xiaohongshu found that many consumers who purchased the phone had encountered similar problems recently.

Ms. Zhou told this magazine that her request was to replace her phone with a new one, and expressed that she was not satisfied with Appleā€™s current handling. ā€œMy good new phone suddenly turned into a bad phone that needed to be repaired. Apple only paid for the warranty period. Free return to the factory for repair without any compensation measures. I cannot accept this plan. "

"Consumer Reports" searched on the Xiaohongshu platform and found that recently, many users have reported that they purchased iPhones during the 618 promotion. 13 There is a problem of unresponsive screen touch.

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

On the Black Cat complaint platform, "Consumer Reports" also found many similar cases. When this magazine searched for the keywords "Apple 13 screen" and "iPhone 13 screen", the results showed that there were 871 and 216 respectively. Complaints. This magazine noticed that these complaints occurred from the beginning of sales in September 2021 to the present.

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

In fact, as early as September 2021, when the iPhone 13 was launched, users reported that the iPhone 13 had intermittent touch failure issues. The specific manifestation of is that the iPhone 13 does not respond to the user's touch input. Sometimes a forced restart is required to solve the problem, or repeated clicks can trigger the system's response. There are also issues reported by users about tapping to wake up, that is, the iPhone 13 does not respond after tapping the screen to wake up, and other system-wide and in-app touch inputs do not respond.

Why does the screen touch unresponsiveness problem reported by Ms. Zhou occur? The same problem continues to occur. Is it because the iPhone 13 series all have quality defects? html On July 13, when "Consumer Reports" called Apple's official customer service to express its need for an interview, the other party provided the magazine with the email contact information of the relevant department. However, after this magazine sent an interview letter to Apple based on the contact information provided by customer service, as of the time of publication, it had not received a relevant reply.

iPhone 13 has been plagued with bugs since it went on sale

A search by "Consumer Reports" found . Since the iPhone 13 series went on sale, it has attracted attention due to various malfunctions.

In September 2021, the topic #iPhone 13 photos had mosaics # became a hot topic on Weibo. Some of the first users of the iPhone 13 series said that iPhone 13 photos had mosaics and inaccurate screen color resolution. In this regard, Apple's China customer service stated that they have not seen any calls from users reporting the photo mosaic problem. In addition, we have not received any feedback on related photos, videos, display screens, etc. for the time being.

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

Some users also said that their iPhone 13 had problems with the screen flickering and the software crashing when opening the software. Apple officially issued a statement saying that it has been confirmed that there is a bug in the backup and recovery. After restoring some iPhone 13 to iPhone/iPad from backup, it may cause widgets to be reset to their default state. Apple Music may also be affected, such as being unable to access directories, settings, or use sync libraries. Devices that may have this problem include the iPhone 13 series.

Some users have also reported that the iPhone 13 series has also experienced Apple Watch being unable to communicate after being unlocked. Some users still have not solved the problem after resetting the network according to customer service recommendations, so they can only restore the Apple Watch and pair it again.

In December 2021, #iPhone 13 now has a red and green dual-color screen #, which was on the hot search on Weibo and was complained by many netizens. Consumers encounter different green screen situations. Some have the green on the screen gradually deepening over time, while others have one side of the screen green and one side red. Some netizens said that their iPhone screen turns pink at every turn. .

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

In addition to the above problems, the iPhone 13 series has also been exposed to problems such as screen skipping on startup, automatic switching of cellular data, poor call signal, and macro mode switch Bug.

iPhone13 is still the "sales champion" in the Chinese market

Public information shows that the iPhone13 series mobile phones are products released by Apple in September 2021. In March this year, Apple launched new colors of the iPhone13 series, green and green.

Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. once topped the Chinese smartphone market in the fourth quarter of 2021, and became the quarterly sales champion in the Chinese smartphone market again after six years. According to data from research organization CINNO Research, China's smartphone sales in January this year were approximately 30.87 million units, of which the iPhone 13 series has topped the domestic market sales for four consecutive months with a sales volume of 2.3 million units.

It is worth noting that despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now.

Among the 618 mobile phone sales this year, Appleā€™s iPhone 13 achieved very good sales results and is almost unbeatable in the high-end market.. Judging from the 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTCHAT, iPhone 13 ranks first in sales, with total sales reaching 2.82 million units, more than 8 times the sales of the second place.

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

In fact, with the strong performance of iPhone 13, Apple has made a lot of money in the global mid-to-high-end smartphone market. According to the 2022 ranking of the top 500 American companies released by " Fortune " in May this year, although Apple's revenue ranks only third, its net profit ranks first in the world, making it the most profitable company in the world.

Note: Despite constant bug issues, iPhone 13 is still the best-selling model in China until now. Thanks to the price strategy, the iPhone13 series has been widely popular in the Chinese market since its release. According to this year's 618 mobile phone sales list released by DTC - DayDayNews

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