5 hidden tricks of Huawei mobile phones, teach you to make the most beautiful ID photos in 10 seconds

2021/10/1306:36:02 digitals 2907

Huawei is also one of the best in the mobile phone brand industry. I believe that most of my friends’ Huawei phones have been upgraded to the Hongmeng system. I wonder how some friends are familiar with the system. No matter what, I will take you to explore today. , Huawei's 5 hidden tricks.

5 hidden tricks of Huawei mobile phones, teach you to make the most beautiful ID photos in 10 seconds - DayDayNews

1. Pop-up shortcut function

In daily life, when we need to use a very important function in the APP, we must first open the software to find this function, which is very troublesome. Teach you a trick, long press the desktop icon, you can pop up the shortcut function. For example:

  • WeChat scan, payment code, my QR code;
  • Alipay scan, payment code, my QR code;
  • camera night view, selfie, video, Portrait

5 hidden tricks of Huawei mobile phones, teach you to make the most beautiful ID photos in 10 seconds - DayDayNews

2. Off-screen clock

Find [Desktop and Wallpaper] in the settings and click [Off-screen display], turn on this feature, you can set your favorite clock, when After the phone is locked, the time will be displayed on the screen, which is very nice.

5 hidden tricks of Huawei mobile phones, teach you to make the most beautiful ID photos in 10 seconds - DayDayNews

3. Open more applications

Everyone knows that Huawei phones can split screens, and now the split screen function is more advanced. Turn on the [ smart multi-window ] function, which is the "advanced version" of smart split screen in EMUI 10.1. You can quickly view and reply to messages, and there is a new floating ball function that makes you switch tasks faster. Supports displaying up to three windows at the same time, floating window can be adjusted in size,Facilitate your better vision experience.

5 hidden tricks of Huawei mobile phones, teach you to make the most beautiful ID photos in 10 seconds - DayDayNews

4. License artifact

The mobile phone is equipped with a [Certificate Photo Shooting], and it takes 10 seconds to solve the problem that requires a license. Fast shooting, one-click generation of license photos, free background changes, no restrictions on scene clothing, ID photos can be made anytime, anywhere.

5 hidden tricks of Huawei mobile phones, teach you to make the most beautiful ID photos in 10 seconds - DayDayNews

In addition to this function, it also supports one-inch photos, two-inch photos, visas, resumes, marriage certificates, and other ID photos, as well as online printing and mailing to home.

5 hidden tricks of Huawei mobile phones, teach you to make the most beautiful ID photos in 10 seconds - DayDayNews

5. Add service card

dial function, long press to add [service card], there are many card specifications, such as: 1x2, 2x2, etc., which can be added to the desktop, It is convenient to use this shortcut function in the future.

5 hidden tricks of Huawei mobile phones, teach you to make the most beautiful ID photos in 10 seconds - DayDayNews

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