The "most stingy" 3 zodiac male, reluctant to spend a penny for himself, but generous to his wife

The men of

1, zodiac sheep

are very honest, have very good personalities, and have always been very optimistic. In their eyes, money is just something outside their bodies, and their wives are the most important in their eyes, because this is the person they love the most. And they feel that it is understandable to spend money for the one they love, and it is very willing to make them feel very comfortable. As long as the other party is happy about it, they will be willing to buy it no matter how expensive it is, and they will never ask how much money the wife bought. However, they are usually very frugal about their own expenses and are almost unwilling to spend money. People born under

2, zodiac pig

are very economical in life. They have no requirements for food and clothing, as long as they are comfortable to wear, so sometimes they would rather not buy anything to save money. However, as long as their wives have any needs, they will never think of rejection, and they will not feel distressed because they have spent a lot of money, because they feel that it is worth paying for their wives. After all, their wives usually do This family also paid a lot, very hard. On the contrary, although they are very generous to their wives, they are still so stingy to themselves.

3, zodiac monkey

men are mostly people who value pragmatism. They think that money should be used where it is most needed, rather than just buying what they want. Some things are very flashy in their eyes . Therefore, they think that the things they use are almost the same. In their eyes, the appearance and brand are not required, as long as they are easy to use and cheap. And they can usually use their own things for a long time, even if they look very old. Although they can save a little bit for themselves, they are very generous to their wives. They feel that it is indeed very hard for their wives to be busy at home and outside, and because they are too busy at work to share with their wives, they often prepare some small surprises. To express your love.

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