The husband and wife house falls into Saturn, your partner is stable and reliable

In traditional astrology, Saturn is generally considered to be an inauspicious planet. We call it an evil planet. It falls in any house and will bring bad luck to the things represented by these houses.

In traditional astrology, the seventh house is the classic house of marriage, called the "husband and wife house", and of course it also represents a one-to-one cooperative relationship. That Saturn falls in the husband and wife house, traditionally means that there is a bad omen in marriage or love, which means that the owner has a deep self-isolation tendency, it is difficult to establish a connection with another person, and may encounter an unfortunate partnership, or be cold and ambitious. Vigorous companion.

This is our traditional interpretation of Saturn in the seventh house. But what the humanistic horoscope wants to express is "self-sufficient". Everyone is good and is born to be the best self. The key is whether we live out that high-level self.

People grow up. Our age, height, and consciousness are changing and growing with age. We are evolving. Maybe it is difficult now, but it does not mean that it will also be an obstacle in the future.

The basis of evolution is that we must consciously choose the power of reshaping that is beneficial to ourselves, and we must work hard on ourselves. The negative of Saturn in the seventh house only represents the reappearance of the old pattern of karma. It is the "start line" of our evolution, not the end. Don't be scared by the so-called "your married life is full of sadness and obstacles." To.

In modern astrology, Saturn also has a higher order of energy, that is, sense of responsibility, commitment, and self-discipline. This is a kind of mature and stable. The character of loyalty. These are obviously beneficial to long-term intimacy.

People who are pessimistic will think that Saturn is in the seventh house as unclear about intimacy. When this pessimistic mood continues, the impact will be terrible. People in the relationship will think that I am so unfortunate and I can’t change it. I have suffered so much, and I cannot meet true love, even if not. , Will also form a self-prediction and staged. And optimistic people will see the loyalty of the relationship from this configuration.

must clearly recognize that no matter what configuration, it represents the possibility of evolution. Saturn in the seventh house may be alone, or get married late, or live alone, may be stuck in an unsatisfactory relationship, or it may be a long and happy marriage.

The position where Saturn is, essentially means:

You came to this world with some kind of obstacle.

You are invited to accept this fact, and work hard with a down-to-earth, self-discipline, and honest attitude, in an advanced form corresponding to Saturn.

If you do not do this, your life will be limited by this obstacle.

If you work hard like this, you can make progress.

From a psychological point of view, marriage and cooperation represented by the seventh house are related to trust. If your birth chart Saturn is in the seventh house, you will have an inherent trust dysfunction. This may come from the environment in which you grew up when you were young, the "parents" getting along with or the experience of being abandoned, or from the karma of the previous life, so in the intimate relationship, you need to work hard.

Saturn’s influence exists in different ways. In the relationship, we cannot understand the proposition of trust alone, because trust is generated in the interaction between people. Maybe we can benefit from introspection, but ultimately we need to test whether we are really growing in our interpersonal interactions.

Saturn in the seventh house not only tells you what kind of person your natural partners and friends are, but also what kind of person you are. It is impossible for us to complete this evolutionary homework without their help. People with Saturn in the seventh house need someone who is trustworthy to help them, otherwise they will not be able to solve the problem of trust..

The essence of Saturn likes oaths and promises. Saturn in the seventh house reveals that your destined partners are those who are not afraid of promises, and their courage makes you no longer afraid. And Saturn represents seriousness, likes rules and rituals, likes wedding red carpets, likes exchange rings, likes vows, they like to record past achievements or achievements, so various anniversaries become very important, to be celebrated.

It takes time to build up a sense of trust. Saturn is in the seventh house, indicating that you are serious about marriage and your relationship with your significant other. You are patient, and need a long time to understand and confirm the relationship. Those who are impatient to vent their desires are very disgusting to you, those who step on a few boats make you sneer, and those who want to establish a relationship quickly will make you more self-protective and distrust them.

Saturn also means respect. It is very formal, which means more courtesy and a sense of boundaries. You need the other person to respect this relationship and yourself.

From an evolutionary perspective, only by satisfying the above conditions, trustworthy people, rituals, vows, patience, and respect can create an intimate atmosphere and heal the trust problem. If you happen to have Saturn in the seventh house, then healing trust will be a very important lesson for your life.

In our birth chart, any feature has a double meaning: it not only explains the situation of our soul, but also points us to ways to transcend it. . From the perspective of previous lives, what causes a person to be born in the chart of Saturn in the seventh house? What happened in Ta's previous life? There are many possibilities, but one thing in common is that this person has experienced the sudden disappearance of the intimate relationship in the intimate relationship of the previous life. This pain has not been healed and has been continued into this life.

For example, on the day of marriage, the other half ran away, and there was no news, or when you were talking about marriage, you suddenly got married with someone else, or you are living a happy life, but suddenly your The other half is gone... Think about how long it will take you to heal these injuries?

Pain relief varies from person to person, some people are cured, some people suppress the pain (but it does not disappear), and some people are obsessed with the pain. We often see those who are still dead, still carrying unreleased or unnoticeable pain, these emotions are brought to this life, and Saturn falls into the seventh house.

Whether we are abandoned or widowed, these pains have left a shadow on us. Believing that trusting others is very risky, it will bring us to the world with the obstacle of trust function, and it will also bring us want to heal this. A hurried desire.

In addition to the possible situations described above, we can also radiate more past life behaviors. For example, you may be a religious believer in the previous life and lead a life of abstinence. The intimacy becomes very dangerous for you. You can only suppress it and treat it as an enemy. Slowly, intimacy or the opposite sex is for you. It is the existence of fear.

Or you are the opposite of a religious person, you are a lustful person, in the world of feelings you have closed your heart, or you have been tortured...

There are too many possibilities for people to have a crisis of trust, but these stories are telling us:

In a certain life, you have a crisis of trust in your relationship, and there is no such problem until you die. solved. In this life, this problem still exists, and you also have the power to heal it in some way. You need people from Saturn. With their help, you need to go forward and make serious commitments. In this way, you will create a good environment for self-healing.

If you do not choose this evolutionary path, then you have chosen the path limited by this unhealed pain. Under this limitation, either you are alone for a lifetime, dare not to be in touch with others, dare not to step into an intimate relationship, or you choose to combine with those you don’t care much about. Even if you lose it, you don’t invest much, and you don’t. Will be hurt. This kind of limited choice will not let you be cured,

If you are blessed to the soul, you will be able to realize that these misfortunes are actually "your own problems", which come from your attitude, karma, mental model and your choice of partner.