This week's operation was really a failure. The attempt to buy the bottom of plummeting crude oil, chemicals and other commodities led to a chaotic trading rhythm and missed a smooth downward trend! This week, study the 9th Xiaozhu hexagram and the 10th step of the sixty-four hex

100,000 yuan futures real offer week 84: In the

personal trading system, the current short trend of the Wenhua Index is; the winning rate of the real offer account in the past ten months is 59.4%, and the profit rate is 71%; the total account profit is 17,000 yuan. This week's operation was really a failure. The attempt to buy the bottom of crude oil, chemicals and other plummeting products led to a chaotic trading rhythm and missed a smooth downward trend! Human nature...

This week we will study the 9th Little Animal hexagram and the 10th Lu hexagram of the sixty-four hexagrams of " Zhouyi ".

1. Xiaowu hexagram: Xiaowu (xu) hexagram, the upper hexagram is Xun hexagram , and the lower hexagram is Qian hexagram, which is a popular symbol in the sky and is called "wind sky small storage". "Animal" (shu) is composed of Tian and Zi, which means to accumulate crops. Everyone is close to each other and cooperates together, and gradually accumulates over time, so after the comparison hexagram is the small animal hexagram. They are small animals because the time has not yet fully matured and their reserves are limited, so they still need to wait and grow.

[Original text] Small animal: Heng; dense clouds but no rain, I am in the western suburbs. (If you have small savings, you will be prosperous and smooth. The sky is covered with dense cumulonimbus , but it has not rained yet. The clouds are rising from the western suburbs of the city.)

[Original] "Xiang" said: "The sky is popular, "little "Animal"; a gentleman uses Yi to cultivate virtue. (The wind is blowing in the sky, there are dense clouds but no rain, the weather is good or bad, and the harvest is average, so I can only "have a small savings". In the current situation, a gentleman should focus on strengthening his self-cultivation and wait for the time to mature.)

[Original text] Ninth day of the lunar month , regain one's own way, what's the blame? lucky. "Xiang" says: "Restore one's own way", which means auspiciousness. (Returning to the original position and route, so it is auspicious. Realizing that one's own cultivation is not enough, and also seeing clearly that the situation is unfavorable, taking the initiative to return to the original position.)

[Original] Ninety-two, pulling back, auspicious. "Xiang" says: If you pull it back, you won't lose it yourself. (Advance and retreat with the ninth day of the lunar month, return to the original position together, and still maintain the masculine virtues, because it is in line with the middle way.)

[Original text] On the ninth day of the third lunar month, public opinion diverges, and husband and wife turn against each other. "Xiang" says: Husband and wife are against each other and cannot get married. (The car body and spokes came apart, and the relationship between husband and wife broke down. After three consecutive Yang Yao , there was a certain accumulation, so he failed to position himself, his mentality was unbalanced, and there was internal disharmony.)

[Original text] June Fourth, There is Fu; when the blood comes out, there is no blame. "Xiang" says: "If there is a fortune, be alert and alert", which is also the intention of Shanghe. (You must have integrity to avoid disaster. Remind us that things must be done appropriately and in line with our own positioning, and we must balance various relationships in order to go smoothly.)

[Original] The Ninth Five-Year Plan, if you are prosperous, you will be rich. Its neighbors. "Xiang" says: "If you have Fu Lulu," you are not alone in being rich. (Sincere cooperation, only when you develop and grow can you benefit more people.)

[Original text] Shangjiu, where it rains, is virtuous; women are chaste and strict; what month they look at; gentlemen ward off evil. "Xiang" says: "It rains at the same place", which means virtue is accumulated; "A gentleman conquers evil", which means there is doubt. (The rain started and stopped, because the accumulation was not abundant in the first place. Women should remain chaste, otherwise there is danger. The moon is close to the full moon, and if it goes further, it will change in the direction of monthly loss . A gentleman who does not know how to stop will encounter dangers . The extremes of things must reverse, and the moon will lose when it is prosperous. This line reminds you to stick to the right path.)

2. Lu hexagram: Tianze Lu hexagram, the upper hexagram is Qian, which is strong, and the lower hexagram is Dui. Ze Weiyue is a weak and gentle weakling. Lujie means shoes. Wearing shoes when walking and performing rituals are to serve the gods in the hope of receiving blessings. Lu Gua means that when facing a strong person, the weaker party should behave politely and treat each other with a pleasant attitude. In this way, there will be no difficulties or dangers. In fact, because of the recognition of the strong person, it will help you when you are in difficulty.

[Original] Lu: Walking on the tail of a tiger, not good at (dié) people, prosperous. (Step on the tiger's tail, the tiger will not bite, and you will be enlightened. The lower part of the Lu hexagram is Dui, and the lower person has a supple and joyful posture; the upper part is Qian, which is a strong upper person. Because you treat the upper person with courtesy, even if you accidentally There are no bad consequences for those who are violated.)

"Xiang" said: "The sky is above and the lake is below. The gentleman distinguishes between the superior and the inferior, and determines the will of the people." (Heaven is above and the lake is below. This is the Lu hexagram . From this, the gentleman understands that it is necessary to establish an order of superiority and inferiority, Only when everyone is in their own place can people's hearts be calmed.)

[Original] On the ninth day of the lunar month, if you walk without any faults, you will be blameless. "Xiang" says: "When you go without shoes, you walk alone as you wish." (Stand by your duty and walk in your original position, so there is no blame.)

[Original text] Ninety-two, walking on the road is smooth, and you are chaste and auspicious. "Xiang" said: "A quiet person is chaste and auspicious, and he is not in chaos." (The road is flat and wide. A person who lives in seclusion adheres to the middle path without chaos. It means that when the time is not ripe, one must be able to tolerate loneliness and loneliness, and the future road It will be very broad. )

[Original text] Sixty-three, the scorpion (miǎo) can see, the lame can walk. Walking on the tail of a tiger, it is bad for people. A warrior is a great king. "Xiang" said: "The scorpion can see, but it is not enough to have a clear vision. The lame can walk, but it is not enough to walk. The evil of others is due to improper position. A warrior is a great king and has a strong ambition." (eye disease) You can still see, and you can still walk if you are lame. If you step on the tiger's tail, the tiger will bite you, and a brave person will become a king. If the 63 Yin Yao is in the right position, it may offend the 95 superior. The intention is dangerous. )

[Original text] On the 9th, walking on the tail of a tiger, sù is auspicious, and the end is good. "Xiang" said: "The end of a happy ending is auspicious, and aspiration is the result." (Step on the tiger's tail, be cautious and fearful, and it will be auspicious in the end. Although you have offended the opponent, your attitude is sincere, so there will be no danger.)

【Original text】Nine Five, 夬 (guài) Lu, Zhenli. "Xiang" said: "If you are honest and serious, your position is right." (Nine Five itself is too strong, because all you can see from above and below are Yang Yao, it will inevitably appear more decisive and leave no room for others. If things go on like this, if you don't change There is danger. )

[Original] If you go to the ninth level, it will be auspicious. "Xiang" said: "If Yuan Ji is on top, there will be great celebrations." (Looking back at what I have done before, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes. If you can persist in carrying forward the good aspects, the result will be good. Great profit. )

3. Interpretation and transaction insights of Xiaowu Gua and Lu Gua

" Preface Gua Chuan " says: "... There must be animals, so I accept them as "Little Animals". The animal will then be There must be a gathering of animals when comparing each other, so the hexagram "Little Animals" symbolizes "a gathering of small animals". Things are gathering together, but to maintain stable development, it is necessary to establish behavioral norms, so next is the "Lu" hexagram, which symbolizes compliance with etiquette.

1. Small Animal Gua : This hexagram explains the principles of accumulating strength in the process of development until it breaks through obstacles. Although you have a strong moral character, you still need to adjust your behavior in a moderate way to take into account the overall situation; you cannot change the atmosphere by yourself, so you need to practice morality reflexively, accumulate your own virtues, improve your self-cultivation, and wait for the opportunity to change. ; When you are in a strong position, you should avoid blindly rushing forward, and you must use the middle way to restrain excessive behavior; when breaking through obstacles, you should decisively get rid of the fetters. The small animal is temporarily in a state of weak balance, and is easily affected by external factors to cause changes, or even go off track. Therefore, the small animal hexagram also has the meaning of twists and turns, repetition, stop, and reflection.

In futures trading, many traders, after experiencing a period of smooth trading, tend to have the illusion that they have understood the way of trading and have full control over the market trend. With their confidence inflated, they try to increase capital investment in order to obtain excess profits as soon as possible. As a result, as soon as the layout was made, the trading period ushered in an unfavorable period. No matter how the operation went wrong, the account continued to shrink, and the confidence was hit. This situation even repeats countless times, which makes people emotionally shattered. It always feels like there are countless pits waiting ahead, and the funds in the account naturally stagnate. It is good to be at breakeven. Xiao Zhu Gua () The ninth day of the lunar month means that you will be restored to your own path, so why should you blame it? Ji. The ninth and second day of the lunar month will lead you back to the path, which is auspicious.) reminds us: If you want to achieve something big, it is impossible to achieve it overnight. There is no need to be afraid of pits ahead. The fear is that you have failed to learn lessons and are unable to get out of the same pit over and over again. Stopping is to start again in a better way. , Experience is also one's own wealth. When solving a problem, one's own ability has been improved simultaneously; with long-term accumulation, reflection, revision, and practice, one day you will make a breakthrough and usher in the day when you truly understand the way of trading.

2. Lu Gua: The theme discussed in Lu Gua is the wisdom of taking risks to achieve the expected prosperity and brightness. If you act cautiously and follow the etiquette, you will be lucky. If the masculine is restless and arrogant, it will be evil. As a representative of masculine strength, a gentleman is strong and achieves the middle. He consciously restrains his behavior in a righteous way, does not infringe on the feminine forces, and coordinates and integrates them into one body. A gentleman has a strong will within himself and a soft demeanor externally. He is aware of dangers and fears, and acts cautiously to realize his ambition of forge ahead. A gentleman cannot be willful and act arbitrarily. Even if his motives are pure, disaster will occur. A gentleman should act with a simple attitude when he first enters the world. He is masculine and humble in the yin position. A gentleman is strong but capable of being gentle. He should not be disturbed by worldly affairs and keep himself quiet and tranquil. As the saying goes, "Indifferentness makes one's ambition clear, and tranquility leads to far-reaching goals." A strong nature can lead to long-term goals. The way to be meek is based on humility and being meek. Following the etiquette will help turn danger into safety, and acting prudently will not lead to disaster at any time.

Lu Gua tells us that we must always be in awe. For individual traders, the futures market is undoubtedly a "tiger". If you want to escape unscathed and benefit from it, you need to understand the tiger's temper and always be cautious and deal with it cautiously. The most important way to show respect for the market is to adhere to reasonable fund management in the long term. It can be said that no successful trader is not a master of risk control, while failed traders fail for various reasons, among which there must be factors of poor risk control. Facing the market, everyone must have a humble attitude. Only with humility can we not live in the shackles of our own cognition. When we encounter problems, we can look at it, think about it, and solve it from an overall perspective. In this way Only then can you become a top trading master.