If you want to give your newborn boy a good name, you should carefully consider which Chinese characters are suitable for naming the child, find Chinese characters with good meanings to name the child, and choose a meaningful name for the boy according to your own requirements. S

If you want to give your newborn boy a good name, you should carefully consider which Chinese characters are suitable for naming the child, find Chinese characters with good meanings to name the child, and choose a meaningful name for the boy according to your own requirements. , such a name contains the selfless love of parents for their children and can bring good luck to their children. The following is a collection of the best names that are suitable for naming boys that are auspicious, fortune-enhancing, and generous.

2022 Year of the Tiger boy: a comprehensive collection of baby boy names with great Confucianism, profound knowledge, and high talents

[An Hao]

- The word An Hao is taken from the poem "An Neng is as white as Hao Hao, but covered with the dust of the world", The word Hao means bright and can bring hope to the boy's future, while the word An means peace and is an auspicious word. It can wish the boy a safe life and no illness or disaster. This name is very suitable for a boy. , super nice to hear.

[Si Kuan]

- The word Si refers to thought, and the meaning of thinking. As a boy's name, it can imply that the boy is a person who is good at thinking and has quick thinking. It can reflect the boy's flexible mind and gentle temperament; The word "kuan" means tolerance. As a boy's name, it expresses the boy's extraordinary magnanimity and sounds very nice to read.


- The word "Yu" in the name Yurong originally refers to a house. It was first derived from bronze inscriptions and later became a good symbol to describe a person's graceful demeanor and grandeur. As a name for a boy, it is not only nice-sounding, but also sunny and elegant. The word "rong" is taken from the word "zhengrong", which can also mean high-spirited and talented, with a sense of domineering.

List of talented boy names

Honghua, Fengqi, Weidong, Qianghe,

Zeming, Zhiqing, Hongzhe, Tongtong,

Zhiyun, Qihong, Yanhao, Yuanjin,

Jieyi, Tai Yuan, Songyang, Wenzhou,

Zhanzhou, Guantai, Songyue, Jinde,

Jieyu, Hanfu, Hongzhang, Zejin,

Haohan, Jinyou, Dehong, Zeyu,

Tongde, Yuntian, Yulei, Yuanrun,

Junfeng, Jinggang, Zherui, Yunhai,

Binshang, Hanyan, Mingzhi, Shihui,

Mingjie, Qihong, Jiexiao, Yuanxiang,

Shiyuan, Changpeng, Jianhong, Songxiao,

Hanjia, Taofan, Deyou, Hongjin,

Xuancheng, Zelong, Bai Ke, Yuan Tao,

Shengcai, Wenxuan, Haohong, Changyu,

Wen Ling, Yunlai, Zhehe, Zesheng,

Binlang, Tongyun, Qijie, Jieyao,

Hande, Jieyao, Wenlai, Yueming,

Yunnan, Weiyu, Baizhi, Jieao,

Jinqi, Yuwen, Fengrui, Decheng,