Palmistry is the knowledge of understanding a person's personality to a certain extent and predicting his or her career, love, marriage, wealth, etc. by analyzing the palmistry of the opponent's type, palm prints, fingerprints, finger length, etc. Palmistry is both a perceptual a

Palmistry is the knowledge of palmistry to understand a person's personality to a certain extent and predict his career, love, marriage, wealth and other aspects by analyzing palmistry types, palm prints, fingerprints, finger lengths, etc. Palmistry is both a perceptual art that requires intuition and inspiration, and a scientific nature at the same time. Palmistry can not only explore the future and past of oneself or others, but also understand one's own life's wealth, happiness, wealth, marital status, etc.


html People with 1 thumbs are thick-skinned, flexible in mind, have abundant financial resources, and have strong ability to attract money. Those with thumbs will surely make a lot of money. Not only that, such people are better at managing money, and they will become rich after getting a small amount of money. Therefore, people who are good at making money and managing money will be afraid of embarrassment throughout their lives if they don't want to be rich.

Index finger

People whose index finger is longer than their ring finger are generally optimistic by nature, shallow-minded, easy to trust others, and very kind themselves. Although such personality traits can bring you more or less blessings, in a competitive society, it is difficult for you to succeed and accumulate wealth. Therefore, his life destiny is relatively mediocre. If he wants to achieve career success, he must work twice as hard as ordinary people.

middle finger

The middle finger is the longest of the four fingers. It is located in the center of the five fingers and represents a person's destiny. If born too short, the middle finger indicates impatience and impulsivity. Such people must restrain and manage their emotions, otherwise they will easily do things that they will regret. A rational attitude towards money investment is also an attitude of blind following. If you make a profit, it's pure luck. If you lose everything, it's a total loss.

The ring finger

The ring finger is the fourth finger, which represents a person's artistic talent, popularity and wealth. This finger should be straight rather than bent. Many people have a crooked ring finger, which hinders the development of their talents and wealth. Therefore, if the ring finger is full of vitality, it will gain both fame and fortune; on the contrary, it will suffer setbacks.

Little finger

The last finger of the little finger. People with long little fingers have language talent, good eloquence, strong expressive ability, love to talk, and have a strong personality. But the disadvantage is that the character is more emotional than rational, and it is easy to act emotionally as one wants. Therefore, although people with pinky fingers have fame and fortune, they must keep in mind the ancient adage "Too much talk leads to misunderstanding" in life, so that they can gain both fame and fortune and be immortal.