Hello everyone, what Teacher Lingmei brings to you today is the fortune of Gemini in July 2022. This is a public prediction. If you have any suggestions or guidance, you can chat with me. Well, let's take a look at the situation of Gemini now. Gemini friend, your relationship wit

Hello everyone, today Teacher Lingmei brings you the fortune of Gemini in July 2022. This is a public prediction. If you have any suggestions or guidance, you can chat with me. Well, let's take a look at the situation of Gemini now.

Gemini friend, your relationship with the other person has developed quite quickly since you entered this relationship. I can see the energy of passion here. But there may be some Gemini friends who have no real established relationship with you. You just fell in love with each other as soon as you met. There will be a deep attraction and the spark of love will be ignited immediately. Maybe you and the other person will get closer quickly, but no one will confirm the relationship between you first. At present, it seems that you, Gemini friend, and the other person have fallen away from the passionate state, and it seems that the relationship between you has begun to become cold. I also see that his attitude towards you is getting colder and colder. He doesn't even want to reply to you, and will face you with an evasive attitude. You don’t know if the other person will respond to you, but I think there is no such possibility at this stage. Maybe some Gemini friends have lost contact with each other.

I have also seen that something happened during the time you and the other person were together, which made both of you very unhappy. Maybe after the knot was formed, you did not have the energy to take the initiative to untie it, and now the problem is that it is stuck. It's not that you or the other party said or did anything specific to each other, it's just some energy that hasn't been fully expressed, but it may have affected the atmosphere of your time together. I feel that the energy of both parties together will feel a little uncomfortable, and the atmosphere of getting along is becoming more and more indifferent. I saw that the other person seemed very tired, and he just didn’t have the energy to continue the relationship.

also reminded that one of you has a new suitor around you. You will also find that you don’t seem to understand the previous person very well, and the other party has not had a deeper spiritual communication with you. Some friends even said that you met on the Internet, but it is possible that you have never met in person. The teacher would like to emphasize here that mass divination may not be completely consistent with everyone's situation. To be specific, you still need to draw cards individually. One-on-one divination will be more suitable for you and more accurate.

I will feel that you have an energy in your heart that you are eager for, and you also feel that this person is the goal you want to pursue. Another explanation is that you have given a lot to this person and given him your full love, but you cannot get the same weight of affection. The other person has always been indifferent. As a Gemini friend, you may feel that he is indifferent. There is so much selfishness in this relationship, and you will feel sad when you see his state. There is a big gap between this and your inner expectations.

Some Gemini friends, the person you are facing will indeed have the energy of worry. His emotions are changeable, and the feeling he brings to you is also uncertain and difficult to define. I think it is precisely because of you that this person has such contradictory behavior in his heart. He has feelings for you, but when he sees the reality, he loses his courage and just doesn't dare to face the obstacles that may be insurmountable.

I think your attitude is very positive. You are willing to stay connected with this person, and you have been giving and investing a lot. You give the other person considerate energy and take good care of the other person. Recently, I feel that I have the energy to make a decision, and I may have the determination to make a breakthrough. If you want to break the status quo, it is very likely that you will make the decision to give up. You hope to have the energy to help you break through the current situation. I think Gemini friends, you believe that hope is ahead, and you will continue to work hard to get out of the predicament. Come on, okay?

Okay, that’s all for today. If you have anything to tell the teacher, or if you encounter any problems, you can tell me. Bless you, see you next time, bye.