The hexagram: Gu, Yuanheng, benefiting the great rivers, three days after the first, and three days after the first. Gu, pronounced as gǔ, first appeared in oracle bone inscriptions in the Shang Dynasty. The ancients gathered many poisonous insects together and let them eat each

Hexagram name: Gu

Hexagram words: Gu, Yuanheng, benefiting from Dachuan, three days after first A, and three days after A.


Gu hexagram

Gu, pronounced as gǔ, was first seen in Shang Dynasty oracle bone inscriptions . The ancients gathered many poisonous bugs together and let them devour each other and kill each other. What was left in the end was "gu" ". Extended and used as a noun, it refers to moths, sorcery that harms people, etc. It is also used as a verb to confuse and confuse.

Observe the hexagram image:

From the relationship between the inner and outer hexagrams, Gu hexagram is composed of two single hexagrams "Xia Xun and Shang Gen". The inner hexagram of this hexagram is Xun, which means dispersion and disputes, and the outer hexagram is Gen, which means The meaning of "stop" and "moderate" is the hexagram of "if there is internal dispute, act in moderation". That is to say, if each lineage knows that there is a dispute, it should be done in moderation.

Judging from the relationship between the six lines, the weak Liuwu in the hexagram is bullied by the strong Shangjiu. There will definitely be discord between the two, and they will each encourage the subordinates and seek support. This is called "gu". However, although Shangjiu is strong, he is already old after all; and although Liuwu is weak, his age and being in the right position are his obvious advantages. Therefore, each Yao must be cautious when facing their temptations.

Listening to the government behind the curtain

The hexagram is: Gu, Yuanheng, benefiting the great rivers, three days after the first, and three days after the first. The meaning of the

hexagram is that as long as you continue to persist with your good original intentions, you will definitely make a difference, but you must think twice before acting and be cautious.

Elephant: Gu, a gentleman aims to invigorate the people and cultivate virtue.

means: A gentleman should be good at mobilizing his ministers and educating them with virtue.

On the sixth day of the lunar month, is the godfather's poison. If you have a son, you will have no fault in the test. If you are serious, you will be lucky in the end.

"gan" , pronounced as gān, Oracle "gan" is like a fork, a fork-shaped weapon used to fight against enemies. The original meaning is a weapon to resist aggression.

"Kao", in oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions , Kao and Lao are the same characters, both of which look like an old man raising a staff. The word kao means old age, and is often used as a title for father. It can refer to the living or the deceased.

The sixth day of the lunar month is humble and weak, but it can only refuse the temptation from the upper nine, because there are strong ninety-two and ninety-three above. If the upper ninth is not dangerous, then the sixth day will bear certain risks, but in the end it will be auspicious. .

Little Elephant: "Godfather's Poison" means Cheng Kao.

It means: The "godfather's poison" on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a last resort, and its original intention is to accept the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.

92, the godmother’s curse: unfaithful.

The 1992 edition corresponds to the June 5th Movement. If you want to reject the June 5th Movement agitation, there is no problem in moderation, but you must not insist on it.

Little Elephant: "The godmother's poison" is the middle way.

It means: 92 "Godmother's Poison", which is to take a compromise approach.

Jiu San, the godfather's curse: small regrets, no big faults.

Although Jiu San is a follower of Shang Jiu, he is not a follower of Shang Jiu and refuses the temptation from Shang Jiu: indeed he has small regrets, but absolutely no major fault.

Little Elephant: "The godfather's poison" is ultimately "without blame".

It means: Jiu San's "godfather's poison" is ultimately "blame-free".

June 4th, Yufu's poison, go see stingy.

"Yu" is pronounced as yù. Its original meaning refers to abundance of clothing, abundance and abundance, and later it was extended to mean abundance and calmness.

Sixty-four is feminine, if you accept Shangjiu’s bewitchment, you will definitely regret it in the future.

Little Elephant: "Father Yu's poison" has never been recovered.

It means: If "Yufu's Gu" is used, it will not do any good in the long run.

Sixty-five, godfather's poison, use reputation.

Liuwu occupies a prestigious position. To resist the pressure from Shangjiu, he only needs to use his prestige and sincerity.

Little Elephant: "Godfather uses reputation", which means inheriting virtue.

It means: The reason why the 95th Five-Year Plan was "reputed as godfather" is because everyone is willing to accept a virtuous monarch.

Shangjiu, do not serve the princes, but do noble things.

Although the top nine is masculine, it is already at the bottom of this hexagram. At this point, it is best not to interfere in government affairs, but to focus on other things you like in a high-profile way.

Little Elephant: "If you don't care about being a prince," you can do it if you have ambition.

It means: "Don't be a prince" in Shangjiu means to limit your behavior within a certain range.