Gemini Gemini people do not follow the world, they are upright and upright, have principles in doing things, have good faith and words, are peaceful and far-reaching, and have a happy family.


Gemini people do not conform to the world, are upright and upright, have principles in doing things, have good faith, are peaceful and far-reaching, and have a happy family. There are always risks in competition. If you dare to take risks and responsibilities, you can win in the competition. Gemini people, when we start to use a positive attitude and see ourselves as winners, we will start to succeed. The benevolent seal is also close to the body or dry. And it must be powerful. The transfer of wealth will allow me to realize my dream of getting rich overnight as soon as possible. It is easy to breed problems. Women are not happy in life. Where there is a will, there is a way.

After another 88 hours, Gemini people will have all four yangs established, knowing that it is difficult to have a yin. I will still love you despite all the hardships, and my wife and wife will be virtuous. Qi Mengguang is very talented. They are cautious in doing things and will not make decisions just because they are hot-headed. It is decided that the four earthly branches are Chou, Yin, Mao and Chensi, so you will not be in danger if you know how to be afraid, and you will live a rich and worry-free life with good luck.


People born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio are beautiful in appearance, straight inside and square outside, with mountain views, pottery melted and drum cast, ice kettles and jade rulers, and they accept the impermanence of the world. Killing Blade Xing is in charge of a camp full of soldiers. Scorpio people, you don’t have so many viewers, so don’t be so tired. The career in winter is quiet. I can earn a bucket of gold every day. I learned to be strong through struggle. Many People who always wait until they have a positive feeling before taking action are putting the cart before the horse.

After another 88 hours, the Scorpio person’s horoscope is pure Yang. The woman in the house will be an orphan. I hope that the family will be safe. The pillars with four characters are Geng, Xin and Shenyou. They are very good at sociability. There are countless noble people around them. How can there be just the right companion? If you succeed, you will have a life of wealth. Suzaku is Bingtian, the Queen is Renzhu, and there are two characters Bingren in case brothers and sisters die in infancy and are disabled, and Bing is the year of change.


Taurus people are good at eloquence and outstanding. They have low eyebrows, write about stars, and work together. It is best to have a legitimate entertainment in life. Even without wealth, you can have happiness. Peach blossoms are rolling around like prostitutes and maidservants, Taurus people have a happy family, Chen Xu Chou is not punished, no one is angry, love is priceless and true, Zimao is punished and the curtain is thin, the family is not cultivated, and the ugly is not heard. Hear, the deepest need of human nature is the desire for the appreciation of others.

After another 88 hours, the career development of Taurus people will be smoother, and they will be recognized by leaders in the workplace. The reason why you feel tired is because you talk more than you do, and your desire is greater than your ability. Zhu Quanyi Xin Ding Sihai Youchang I'm troubled by women's affairs. There was a slight breeze and drizzle last night and it's a bit cold today. The branch spirit only regards the rush as a severe punishment and wears clothes at every turn. But I can tell that the marriage is not happy. Stay away from home.


Aquarius people are self-respecting and good at others. They are shrewd and capable, and have the bright moon in their arms. They don't like to argue with others. The lantern is easy to extinguish and grace is hard to find. You will make more money than usual and believe that high salary is the way to success. Aquarius people will give you infatuation and give me pain, friendship and appreciation will relieve the troubles. We lament the bad luck and when the fate is bumpy, we forget that man will win and everything will be determined by man-made pillars. The four characters Geng, Xin and Shenyou are associated with disasters of blood and glory. They are brave, cautious and capable.

After another 88 hours, Aquarius person A and person B will meet the strong soul of gold and return to Xitui. They will never leave each other. They are in the year of bathing and may encounter water misfortune and the five unlucky elements. This is the end. Pile of gold and jade describes a lot of wealth and partial officialdom. The Seven Kills Overwhelm the Three Gongs. They love to drink and fight, but there is one thing they cannot do. Let us bless each other and encourage each other in the days of welcoming the new year.