We are all under the influence of the square between Mars and Pluto on the weekend of July 2nd and 3rd, the fourth and fifth day of June in the Renyin year of the lunar calendar. We are prone to bad temper and irritability; accidents are also prone to occur in the external enviro

July 2nd -3rd

Lunar calendar June 4th to 5th day of the Renyin year

We are all under the influence of the square between Mars and Pluto on the weekends, making it easy to be grumpy and irritable; accidents are also prone to occur in the external environment.

Mercury and Neptune will form a square angle on Sunday, so we should all pay attention to guarding against fraud.

Ascendant/Sun ⭐ Aries

Thinking too much will not solve the problem. It is better to chat with close friends this weekend and you will feel better. It is best to talk less at home, as your elders will easily lose your temper.

Ascendant/Sun ⭐Taurus

If you feel tired, rest more. Don’t force yourself to cheer up. You need to guard against being scammed this weekend, and don’t think it’s safe to follow everyone else. To ensure safety, some things are revealed but not disclosed.

Ascendant/Sun ⭐ Gemini

It is best not to join in the fun this weekend, and it is also best not to follow many people in an investment project. If you have a great idea in mind, but it’s difficult to implement it, it means it’s worth putting in the effort to execute it.

Rising/Sun ⭐ Cancer

Your intuition is very sharp. If this weekend you feel that you cannot believe something or do something, then your feeling is probably right, but you need to be careful about some people around you who deliberately encourage you to do it. Doing things you shouldn't do.

Ascendant/Sun⭐ Leo

Your mood will be unstable during the two days of the weekend, and it is easy to act excessively due to the influence of others. But if there is a competition, exam or performance, you can easily perform well on the spot. If traveling, please pay attention to your health and personal safety.

Ascendant/Sun ⭐ Virgo

Although you have already made various accurate predictions and judgments about your own affairs, you may ignore the affairs of the people around you, or you may not care about them, but they are prone to have certain Some unexpected actions. Those with children need to pay attention to their children's well-being.

Rising/Sun ⭐ Libra

People around you have many demands on you, which can easily make you very irritable. You who never want to have conflicts tend to lose your temper with your family members on weekends, or your elders may get angry at you. If you are with colleagues or close friends, you have the opportunity to showcase your talents to others.

Ascendant/Sun ⭐ Scorpio

You need to pay special attention to personal health and traffic safety when going out this weekend. It is easy to spend a lot of money on Sundays for all kinds of food, drink and entertainment. If you go to crowded places, you need to take good care of your personal belongings and stay away from gambling games. Generally speaking, there are a lot of unworthy expenses during the two days of the weekend, so you need to guard against being defrauded.

Rising/Sun ⭐ Sagittarius

In your eyes, everything is negotiable, and you do not hesitate to spend money to unite more partners, as long as everyone is happy. It is best to avoid discussing family financial matters this weekend. It is difficult to agree on opinions, and it is easy to be confused by some appearances. It is best not to have real estate transactions.

Ascendant/Sun ⭐ Capricorn

You tend to get angry and spoil the fun of your family, or you accidentally hurt yourself when using kitchen utensils or electrical appliances, which makes your family surround you. If you go out on Sunday, it is best not to drive by yourself, or you may easily express yourself unclearly and burden those around you.

Rising/Sun ⭐ Aquarius

Keep your mouth shut these two days over the weekend. It is easy for you to misunderstand others, but it is also easy to express impulsively and hurt others' hearts. Always observe patiently in advance and investigate the truth before speaking. People with children will invest heavily in their children's growth, but they are also easily fooled by businessmen.

Ascendant/Sun ⭐ Pisces

You are too optimistic about something. You spend a lot of money and energy, but in the end it may be in vain or have little effect. If you have just joined a new team, it is better to negotiate the benefits in advance and don’t just pay first regardless.