Especially in ancient times, when social productivity was limited, people paid more attention to a person's appearance. They often used the appearance to judge whether the person was worth dating, or what his future career and academic development would be like. You can even judg

Especially in ancient times, when social productivity was limited, people paid more attention to a person's appearance. They would often use their appearance to judge whether the person was worth dating, or what his future career and academic development would be like. You can even judge whether you have a longevity constitution by looking at your face.

From a practical point of view, judging people by their appearance is a bit arbitrary, but it was a product developed under the special background of ancient times, which also shows the helplessness of the ancient people.

The ancients often said: "30 out of 100% will lead to 40 deaths, 50 out of 10% will lead to a long life." What exactly does this sentence mean? Is there a scientific reason for its existence?


What does "30 out of 40 die, 50 out of 50" mean? After reading or gaining knowledge

, especially nowadays, people prefer to trim their eyebrows regularly, especially female friends. Eyebrows are one of the facial features. When the eyebrows are delicate, they will also improve a person's appearance. However, the elderly in rural areas are very Avoid trimming your eyebrows.

When people grow old, it is simply a happy thing for a few long eyebrows to grow between their eyebrows. They may even feel these long eyebrows and proudly think that this is a longevity constitution.

even call these long eyebrows longevity eyebrows, which means that people can live a hundred years. In many literary works and movies, we can also see that it is often said that the elderly generally have long eyebrows and look more beautiful. Amiable and approachable.

However, the "Hai" in the article refers to long eyebrows, or the long hair that grows out of the ears. The reason why this saying is spread among the people is because male friends start to grow long hair when they are 30 years old. Long black hairs grow out of the eyebrows or ears.

Signs like this may mean that you will not live long, and you can live for up to 10 years. However, when a person grows long eyebrows after the age of 50, or black hair appears in his ears, it means that his life span is relatively long. , is this statement true or false?

In fact, this is also a summary of the long-term experience of ancient people in life. It has scientific truth. It can be explained to a certain extent by using modern science. Many elderly people in the folk say that it is not good to grow long eyebrows at a young age. Then when you grow long eyebrows at the age of 50, you can develop a longevity physique.

This statement is explained in scientific terms, which means that the hair grows in the ears or the eyebrows become longer. The same goes for the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, which proves to be the physiological manifestation of physical aging.

Under normal circumstances, the human body begins to enter the aging period in the forties and fifties, and is in the young adult stage in the twenties and thirties. Under this situation, the body will have some premature aging characteristics, indicating that the body will appear Some problems, such as disordered metabolism of human body, unstable endocrine hormones, slow blood circulation system, etc.

If you do not pay attention to it, go to the hospital for examination in time, and adopt scientific and reasonable methods to treat it, then a minor illness may become a serious illness, and your life span will naturally be gradually shortened.

However, if a male friend grows long eyebrows at the age of 50, it means that the person is older, but the qi and blood in the body are strong, and some hormones can be secreted in sufficient quantities, which proves that the body is in good quality and lives a healthier life.

can be said to be: "A good man is hairy, and a man has strong blood." This also shows that the hair on the body is healthy and strong, so there is a saying that "30 hairs, 40 people die, and 50 hairs, a life is long."

So this does not mean that long eyebrows are bad. Long eyebrows that grow before the age of 50 are also a sign that the body has entered the early stage of decline. However, long eyebrows appear after the age of 50, indicating that the body is strong and well maintained. , sufficient qi and blood can secrete more androgen .

This common saying also reminds people nowadays that when the body has some different symptoms, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in time. Remember not to have some taboo thoughts about seeing a doctor. Whether a person can live a long life is not shown through eyebrows. .

Rather, it is necessary to develop good living and eating habits, have a reasonable attitude towards life, and maintain an optimistic attitude, which is more conducive to maintaining a healthy state.


What factors can cause the body to grow long eyebrows?

1. Strong secretion of male hormones in the body

When the secretion of male hormones in the male body is strong, it can have a stimulating effect on the growth of hair follicles. However, around the age of 50, first of all, when the secretion of hormones is high and in a strong state, it will promote the growth of the human body. As hair grows, so does eyebrows.

2. Stimulated by diet

Over Nanxian Often eat some nutritious food or take traditional Chinese medicine to supplement. It is normal for some eyebrows to suddenly grow longer. The secretion of hormones in the human body will change due to changes in diet. Causes changes in eyebrow shape.

3. Influenced by genetic factors

If the elderly in the family have long eyebrows, the possibility of growing long eyebrows at the age of 50 is higher than that of ordinary people. The speed of human hair growth is also affected by genetic factors.

Therefore, among the factors that affect the growth of eyebrows, there is no direct connection with lifespan. When the hair follicles of the eyebrows are stimulated, the growth rate of the eyebrows will also be accelerated. The hair follicles of some eyebrows are relatively strong, and the eyebrows that have fallen off from the dye band have not fallen off. , so it will continue to grow longer.


If you want to live a healthy and long life, you may as well stick to these 4 things

1. Maintain a light diet and have a balanced nutrition

If middle-aged and elderly people after the age of 50 want to develop a longevity physique, they may as well maintain a light diet rather than taking nutritional or health care products. It is effective and can obtain enough nutrients and meet the needs of the human body from three meals a day.

You must ensure a light and reasonable intake of nutrients. You can appropriately supplement some trace elements, mineral elements, calcium, protein, vitamins, etc., which can be beneficial to the maintenance of the elderly.

2. Follow nature’s day and night laws

Ensuring adequate sleep can make your body better. Rest in accordance with nature’s day and night laws, avoid day and night reversal, and chaotic work and rest that affect the body’s biological clock, which can be beneficial to health and longevity.

High-quality sleep can help maintain heart and brain functions, relax the body, and then those organs in the body can better metabolize toxins and garbage. When you wake up in the morning, your body will be relaxed and full of energy.

3. Adjust your mentality in a timely manner.

3 If you are overly nervous or worried about your physical condition after the age of 50, it will actually have some adverse effects on the body's endocrine hormones. The age of 50 is the body's weight-loss period. Maintain an optimistic attitude, and it will be more effective. It helps maintain health and longevity. In this state, people can face life more actively and relieve stress.

4, regular review

Health is not just talk about health, but about taking actions. A healthy body must have scientific and mechanized examinations, go to the hospital for regular reviews, keep abreast of the physical condition, and more intuitively discover potential diseases in the body through physical examinations. , timely treatment to avoid minor illnesses turning into serious illnesses and missing the best treatment time.
