July Key Events Full Moon in Capricorn Jupiter Retrograde New Moon in Leo July Overall Astrology On June 29, the new moon occurs in Cancer, promoting a new beginning and coloring the energy of July. This is a time to feed our foundations, and all that we call home, including the

7 Month Key Events

Full Moon in Capricorn

Jupiter Retrograde

New Moon in Leo

July Overall Astrology

On June 29, the new moon occurs in Cancer, promoting a new beginning and coloring the energy of July. This is a time to feed our foundations, and all that we call home, including the foundations we build within ourselves, need care and respect. This is a time when we realize the importance of family and personal circles of friends, and the sense of security, belonging and safety we receive from them.

We have the financial resources and courage to pursue our desires and stick to our plans, but we should avoid acting prematurely. Because this new moon is squaring Jupiter, we need to watch out for excesses, exaggerations, miscalculations, or false starts.

On July 14, the full moon occurs in Capricorn. This full moon day reminds us that we cannot ignore our commitments to the outside world. We need to take care of our responsibilities, focus on business, behave maturely, and be accountable. Our concept is innovative.

html On the 419th, Chiron began to go retrograde, and the retrograde will continue until December 23. This cycle is conducive to introspection and re-evaluation of the mental and physical health plans in our lives. With Chiron retrograde, we tend to look within for healing.

On July 21st, Jupiter and Saturn formed a square. When we think in big terms, or if we have the urge to expand, we will encounter obstacles or be forced to face reality. Some reorganization of our life and business goals is now in order. There are no "easy fixes" and we need to keep working hard, even with fits and starts, to make good progress. It's better to breathe new life into an old plan than to create a new one entirely. We need to be careful not to overwork ourselves, which can lead to depression. This is the first of three Jupiter-Saturn squares, the other two occurring on September 21, 2022 and March 21, 2023.

On July 28, the new moon appears in Leo, heralding a new beginning. This is a time to discover and share those things that make us special, our unique, creative strengths. We may let our "inner child" come out to play and may pursue plans related to games, sports, entertainment, hobbies, children, romance, and dating.

Also on July 28, with Jupiter retrograde, it may be appropriate to slow down projects or plans in order to gain perspective. Initially, our enthusiasm and confidence may wane, and we may experience a crisis of faith or hope. "Luck" may not be as apparent during the period July 28 to November 23, but it is a good time to look within and reassess near-term goals. Note that Jupiter's retrograde begins in Aries and then moves into Pisces.

On July 31, Uranus conjunct the North Node of the Moon, we attract people or lessons into our lives that encourage us to break away from traditions or customs that hinder our growth. This is a good time to form an important friendship or group relationship.

At this time, life lessons are about learning to be more self-sufficient while caring about ourselves and making the world around us a better place, that is, keeping others, the team, and society in mind. It’s about retraining ourselves to change our definitions of comfort, abundance, prosperity, security, and happiness, perhaps in ways that benefit the entire community or the entire planet. We also pay special attention to society's current values, and we get excited about shaping those values.At the same time, we are redefining what it means to be safe, comfortable, wealthy, or stable.

text translation compiled from CAFEASTROLOGY.COM


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