Pisces people are elegant, knowledgeable, and hardworking. Dounan is a person who is dressed in pink and polished. I hope I will bring my brains with me tomorrow.


Pisces people are elegant, knowledgeable, and hardworking. Dounan is a person, dressed in pink and jade, and I hope I will bring my brains with me tomorrow. The disaster of injured limbs and mutilated bodies should be more experienced if there is more fire in this pillar or more Nayin fire. Tiredness is a kind of enjoyment for Pisces people, which makes us have no time to be empty. If the pillar has the two characters Xuhai and the sky stem has the two characters Rengui, there must be relatives in the home. Thief, when facing the sun, the shadow will fall behind you. Wealth is your wife, wealth is your horse. If you have too much wealth, your body will be weak. If it is true, if it is an illusion, you should cherish love and justice.

After 4 days and 20 hours, Pisces people month column look at the brothers. The moon is the brother, and my future is with you. When Chen and Xu are in conflict, there will be dilapidation. The days and hours are heavier, auspicious and wishful, and the wife in the palace will be virtuous. Qi Mengguang knows that fear will prevent danger, and peach blossoms will lead to death in wine and sex.


Scorpio people are honest, upright, leisurely, lucky, bright-eyed, with bright eyebrows. Nothing is warmer than home and nothing is more precious than family affection. Erde Yinde has a kind nature. Scorpio people hope to bring good luck. Ambition is the guide on the road to success. Confidence is the call to never give up. Enthusiasm is the heart of a successful person. Patience is the sword that drives away difficulties. Responsibility is The path to success is inevitable. You must work hard and work very hard. If you are Qingqingfeng, you can maintain an excellent state in front of everyone.

After 4 days and 20 hours, the Scorpio person's year column controls the luck before the age of 16, the month column controls the luck of the 16-year-old and the sun column controls the luck of the 16-50-year-old, and the hour column controls the old age after the age of 50. The home is like a big tree like an umbrella, and the official is killed. Jian Qisha is a military commander. When we start to use a positive attitude and see ourselves as a winner, we will start to succeed. Our official career will rise step by step. Gold likes to be refined by fire. If it is not refined by fire, it will not become a weapon.


Capricorns are outstanding, modest, prudent, gentle, spring breeze, and willing to contribute. They should be good at careful discovery in life. If there is A or B on the stem, there is Gengke, Xingeng, Xinke, A has a wound on the head and face, Capricorn people have received a safe letter just halfway through the paper. A few pairs of mandarin ducks are in Chinese. Let complicated things disturb your emotions, romantic stories have no ending, and words are the shadow of actions.

After 4 days and 20 hours, the divorce rate for Capricorns is extremely high, over 90%. Let everything take its course. We don’t want to change our weaknesses. To cultivate a person’s character requires not only joy but also trials and difficulties. This is very painful. In the final days of struggle, many physical things will be fine if you gradually improve them. Love and time never meet, and there is no distance between true friendship.


Leo people are always happy to work together, they are in the same boat, they are calm and down-to-earth, diligent and conscientious, and they are very good at making money. Geng Metal When fire is strong, Qi disperses and is separated from the South. For Leo people, everyone is original when they are born. Sadly, many people gradually become pirated. Earth is born in Yinmao and has diaphragm, wind and phlegm throughout life. I hope that in the future, Here, wealth is prosperous and body is declining, life is about to die, and the starry sky shines like snow and frost.

After 4 days and 20 hours, Leo people’s wealth stars have lost their ancestral style and left their hometown. I hope you are happy more than anyone else, but I still feel sad when I think that your future happiness is not because of me. Believe in God, he is happy for you from the bottom of his heart, and you will be named after your good days and old age. For human beings, language is a doctor who cures troubles. Sparrows are handy and make money.