Dear children, Aquarius people with AB blood type are here today, come in quickly~ [Flash of inspiration] 1. Aquarius people with AB blood type are like a well-organized computer, one of the best among the twelve constellations. They are called "intelligent stars" and maintain a

Dear friends, today the and Aquarius people with AB blood type are coming to Kangkang. Come in quickly~ [a flash of inspiration]

1. Aquarius people with AB blood type are like an orderly computer. They can be called the "intelligent stars" in the constellation. They maintain a calm and objective attitude at all times. Their life principle is to maintain a keen sense of the things around them, but at the same time they also maintain a detached stance. With free thoughts and unique insights, he often surprises those around him. He has a unique personality, and the things he thinks about often go beyond the ordinary scope.

2. Aquarius people with blood type AB are always one or two steps ahead of others in their ideas and practices. They are at the forefront of the times. They use their reasonable inference ability to predict the future and at the same time require others to believe in their own opinions. It can be said that People who belong to the "prophet" type have clearly seen the context of things before others.

Internet pictures, Jushuai

3, AB blood type Aquarius people have a strong rational tendency and scientific habits of doing things. When putting them into practical actions, they often have original approaches that break away from ordinary conventions. This is their innate advantage, but it may also become an acquired disadvantage. Because others may not necessarily like their principles of doing things, many people always find it difficult to accept them as people who are too rational, too calm, and demanding of perfection. Therefore, they are often misunderstood.

4. Aquarius people with blood type AB seldom make trouble unreasonably. They are reasonable and know how to listen to other people’s reasons. When negotiating with them, as long as you are reasonable, they will listen to you and will not be stubborn. This is type AB. The most attractive thing about Blood Aquarius.

Internet pictures, Jumei

5, AB blood type Aquarius people do not like to be tired of being with their lovers 24 hours a day. They enjoy lovers who are like friends, with no restrictions and no taboos. You can maintain a relationship with only occasional contact, but others may mistakenly think they don't value you.

6. AB-type Aquarius like to be alone. They prefer to be alone than in groups. They are individualists who do not follow collective actions. For AB-type Aquarius, it is best to expand your social circle through various interests and associate with like-minded friends. They are more receptive to one-on-one interactions than having fun with many colleagues.

7, AB-type Aquarius people do not care about gains and losses, and are generous and decent. They are very patient and tolerant of the people around them. Although they like to be alone, they are not rude when getting along with others, and they can also get along well with others.

Internet pictures, sister-in-law is good

8, Aquarius people with blood type AB seldom get along with others, and do not care about too many trivial matters. They see many things clearly but turn a blind eye and do not speak out when they see through. This is why others like to spend time with them. They have their own principles when it comes to matters of right and wrong. As long as they do not challenge their bottom line principles, Aquarius with type AB blood can be tolerant.

9, AB-type Aquarius people are born with unique charm, and occasionally have child-like innocence. Sometimes they judge things rationally, and sometimes they are willful like children. Most people of the opposite sex around them are attracted by their completely different personalities.

10. The condition for Aquarius with AB blood type to choose a lover is that they have the same ideas and outlook on life. They don't like the sticky feeling. When interacting, they hope to be as refreshing and natural as friends. Only people who are compatible with them can get along with them for a long time.

Internet pictures, handsome

11, AB blood Aquarius people are very keen and rational in judging and analyzing things, and are also very good at creativity. They do not consider any interests in interpersonal relationships and treat them equally regardless of class. This kind of personality is very suitable for independent creation or design.

12. AB-type Aquarius people don’t care much about monetary rewards. The only requirement is to be able to express their ambitions freely without being too restricted by organizations or groups. Of course, after they immerse themselves in their careers and achieve outstanding achievements, Money, fame and titles will naturally follow. For them, as long as they persevere, it is not difficult to obtain all this.

13. Aquarius people with AB blood type are the lucky ones favored by the God of Wealth. They are unlikely to become rich due to successful careers, but they will never become misers.

Internet pictures, Oppa calls you to wake up

Celebrities with AB blood type Aquarius: Liu Qingyun , Jiang Zuping , Wei Yining, Xu Dongdong , Kim Soo Hyun , Chen Yanfei , Cao Jun , Zhuo Wenxuan , Li Yingai , Zhao Ruzhen , Jin Qizhi, Yin Xiangjie, Li Xinjie, Zheng Huiying

Dear children, I will share with you the O blood type Aquarius Ang in the next issue. Please remember to like, follow and comment. I love you [sympathy]