After waiting for so long, I finally see clear and definite benefits. The whole world seems to be positive during this time, and we finally see definite hope. July is a special month. For individuals and small groups, July is full of hope, opportunities, and the prosperity of see

After waiting for so long, I finally see the benefits that are clearer and clearer.

The whole world seems to be more positive during this period, and we finally see definite hope.

July is a special month. For individuals and small groups, July is full of hope, opportunities, and seeing the prosperity of everything recovering. However, July is not necessarily a good month for the general environment, relations between countries, or large group companies, and there is the possibility of unpredictable changes.

Because there are many stars going retrograde in July, especially the auspicious star Jupiter retrograde, it will cause innate panic among many students. What I especially want to say is, don’t be afraid of Jupiter’s retrograde, which starts at the end of July, and the superimposed retrograde of all the stars. I know that many students will be instinctively afraid when they hear the word retrograde. Oh my God, my life is already so bad, why do I still have to go retrograde? Don't think so. What you need to know about the so-called retrograde motion of the stars in the sky is that everything will bring about adjustments and changes, but it does not mean that everything will get worse.

July will gradually stabilize the hearts of many people that have been hanging around. No matter what your decision is for the future, it is always good to have a decision. The entry of Mars into Taurus and the subsequent start of the Leo month have made us more positive about our career and future plans. It seems that you have a more positive attitude towards the whole world and the whole life in the hot July, and this positivity, in In the past two years, it has been almost a rarity. You start to have various ideas that you want to realize, you want to find better opportunities to make your life better, and you want to become a better version of yourself. This positivity makes me happy for you as I write these words.

But it’s not all good news. In terms of the international environment, July was full of changes from beginning to end. In early July, Mars in Aries formed a 90-degree square to Pluto in Capricorn. In terms of the overall situation, this is by no means good news. Various collisions and unplanned expansion of disputes will still occur, and the entire world will not Not particularly peaceful.

At the end of July, Mercury formed a square with Uranus and the North Node. This is an astrological sign that is projected on the individual and has an impact on our emotions and emotions. Many classmates will have an incomprehensible relationship with someone they meet by chance around this time; or they may meet old friends and possibly do business or start a business together. In short, this is a day related to interpersonal relationships, emotions, and emotions, and it will also bring some new colors to our lives.

Let’s welcome July with open arms. Compared with June, I am really looking forward to the arrival of July.

7 key astrology:

July 02 Mars square Pluto Mercury trine Saturn

July 03 Mercury square Neptune

July 05 Mars enters Taurus

July 05 Mercury sextile Mars Mercury enters Cancer

July 09 Mercury square Jupiter

July 10 Sun sextile Uranus

July 12 Sun sextile North Node

July 13 Venus trine Saturn

July 14 Mercury sextile Uranus

July 14 Full Moon in Capricorn

July 14 Venus square Neptune

July 17 Mercury Three Neptune Sun conjunct Mercury

On July 18th Venus enters Cancer Mercury opposes Pluto Sun trine Neptune

July 19th Mercury enters Leo

July 20th Sun opposes Pluto

July 23rd Sun enters Leo

July 24th Mercury trines Jupiter

7 July 25th Venus square Jupiter

July 27th Uranus conjunct North Node Mercury square Mars

July 29th Jupiter retrograde (until November 24th)

July 29th new moon in Leo Mercury square North Node

July 31st Mercury opposition Saturn


It is a month when you need to adjust your play style, and the priority of home and family will increase.

"Career Luck"

It is a month with a strong momentum of advancement. It attracts a lot of attention in the workplace, but it is also a period of time when you are very angry and easy to make dangerous decisions. You will feel fierce competition at the beginning of the month. Aries people may feel angry about certain workplace incidents, have the urge to challenge authority, overthrow rules or defeat justice, and have tense relationships with superiors and authority figures. Beware of villains. Stab. In the second half of the month, the shadow of Jupiter's retrograde is getting stronger. Many Aries are faced with the need to adjust their direction, track, and rhythm. The loopholes and unreasonableness in the new direction and new projects that were previously launched high and high are now the time to remedy or abandon them. an excellent opportunity.

"Emotional Luck"

There are many family affairs that need to be taken care of most of the time this month, especially the "backbones". Children's schooling, parents' medical treatment, family-related issues, etc. all highlight your importance to this family. . Singles will have more social activities in the second half of the month, and they may be working as matchmakers, and they will be single at the end of the month.

"Wealth Luck"

does not have much patience, tends to make quick money, and is too impulsive in making decisions, which leads to obvious investment mistakes. Impulsive shopping and large expenditures increase significantly, and financial losses occur. In the second half of the month, the farm and house operations will be good, which will facilitate the purchase and relocation of property.

Academic luck

is not in good condition. It is easy to be lazy and underestimate the enemy, and make small confusions and mistakes. You need to be urged, you need to overcome inertia and being driven, and asking teachers and top students for advice is the key to improving your performance this month. The holidays are conducive to art-related learning and literature reading.

Healthy luck

htmlIt is easy to get sick in early March, but it will be generally stable thereafter.

It is a super fast-paced month, facing some general direction changes.

"Career Luck"

Starting from this month, many Taurus will usher in the peak of their mobility this year. They are proactive and confident, and can stand firmer than at other times. The pace is accelerated and they are extremely busy. However, the coordination of opportunities and actions does not seem to be enough, and it is easy to Invalid busy. Many times, we pursue speed and progress excessively and only see the bright side and immediate benefits, which leads to some unplanned changes or being tripped up by the recurrence of old problems. In the second half of the month, the environment changes erratically, and workplace changes are astonishing. Some people break the rules and make a name for themselves with their uniqueness, while others suddenly make explosive plans and fail to keep up with the changes in the situation, which is very dramatic. Pay attention to the bottom line in business negotiations, and don’t promise a blank check easily.

"Emotional Luck"

has a strong desire to dominate and is more proactive than before. Some people will be a little aggressive or sentimental and put pressure on the other party. However, for Taurus who are not very proactive in daily life, it is expected to say goodbye to ambiguous relationships and upgrade, and the interest value will be improved. Soaring. Romance is just around the corner, and it is likely to be someone among your classmates, colleagues, or neighbors.

"Wealth Luck"

has declined overall, but the good news is that an ongoing project may have good market feedback, and it is expected to make profits through a long-term investment project. short-term investment and financial management performance is average. Financial planning and consumption are gradually becoming more pragmatic and rational.

"Academic Luck"

You have a wide range of learning interests and your creativity is on the line, but you will tend to be in-depth and superficial. Be careful not to set goals that are too high. Overall, it will be a fruitful month. The middle to late period is not good for essays, studying abroad, etc.

"Healthy Luck"

A strong sense of running around and high consumption. In addition, starting from this month, Taurus people will be super concerned about their appearance. They need to be cautious in beauty treatments and moderate exercise to avoid injuries.

A month of slowing down, laziness, laziness, laziness.

"Career Luck"

Compared with the previous period, this month is a month when Geminis are less energetic. Many things are delayed again and again, whether due to subjective or objective factors, and they are hesitant and should be urged. Focus your limited energy and enthusiasm on important things, and make adjustments as soon as possible to ensure that you do not make mistakes or regret in important work. In addition, there has been a turbulent undercurrent in the workplace recently, so beware of the bad people behind the scenes or the crises hidden under the water. This month is suitable for retreat or cultivation, staying away from complicated interpersonal relationships, or secretly accumulating strength or recruiting resources for the next few months. In short, it is best not to announce things before you are completely sure.

"Emotional luck"

is relatively dull, and this aspect is not the focus of this month. There is a possibility of your partner being coldly violent or venting their emotions on you. Single people have little motivation to fall in love, and will slowly regain their social enthusiasm until the end of the month.

"Wealth Luck"

Income has increased, and profits are falling one after another, but we need to focus on how to reduce expenditures. People who consume lavishly and are not willing to spend money for love are more likely to have relatively passive large expenditures, such as being cheated, paying off debts and taxes, getting fines, etc., so overall they are not well-off.

"Academic luck"

The first half of the month is generally stable, and the second half of the month is a bit self-confident. You might as well use this confidence to challenge difficult content and make new study plans. With your talents, you may gain something.

"Healthy Luck"

is not very energetic and needs more sleep and free time, or proper exercise to keep himself active.

Cancer needs to coordinate themselves and others for a month, and must work hard to find a balance.

"Career Luck"

The main theme of Cancer in the workplace this month is: worrying about other people's affairs. Overall, it seems that a lot of work is carried out around teams and connections. They are extremely protective and have the courage to speak out. Whether it is fighting for opportunities and protesting for their friends in the team, or confronting members of the team who don't like it, it is very similar to what Cancer will do this month. Of course, this month's good luck also seems to come from others, such as getting help from noble people, support from leaders, endorsement from authorities, support from the masses, etc., which is also good for career luck.

Emotional luck

Relationship is the highlight this month, it is a critical period when the answer is revealed and the dust settles. The full moon in the middle of the month will push a relationship to end or become closer. From the second half of the month, single Cancers will be more social and should dress up more to enhance their personal charm.


It is a month that is more friendly to office workers. There may be new projects or new part-time jobs to start, which will increase income.However, Cancers who start their own business or run a business in partnership with others have bigger problems. There are many places where they need to invest funds, and it is obvious that they will lose money. Speculation luck is average.

Academic performance

Thinking activity has improved, and he is active in summer camps, clubs, etc. There is no luck in the exam, it is all about hard work and reward...

Health and luck

The overall stability is not serious

It is a month with a strong sense of presence in the workplace. Be independent and pay attention to the balance between work and rest.

Career fortune

With Mars entering the career house of Leos at the beginning of the month, many Leos have become very motivated. In addition, the order in the workplace has been rectified some time ago, making you the sign with the strongest momentum in the workplace this month, and you can often be the first to do so. Winning targets over opponents is especially helpful for running short-term projects and making quick money. Using performance and military exploits to win promotions and salary increases. Although the workplace may still face some big changes this month, it also allows you to smell new business opportunities and quickly deploy them with a clean and neat style of work. You should still be careful about making enemies because you are too ambitious, and you may easily have disagreements with your superiors. Pay attention to your attitude, learn to work around the situation and solve the problem privately, and avoid conflicts that break out in public.

Emotional luck

It is easy to delay your relationship due to work, so it is better to just pursue your career. Communication problems with your partner are prominent. At the beginning of the month, it is easy to be confused about what you want and make the other party misunderstand. At the end of the month, you tend to be a little self-centered. Singles may start an ambiguous and sticky experience, tugging and tugging, which is not at all like your daily style.


Lions this month are a bit like kings. They work around the clock and are not afraid of competition. Some short-term project profits are pocketed, and the overall income is rising steadily. Lions who run their own businesses are also expected to achieve income growth with reliable connections. However, this month's investment and operation luck is not good, and I accidentally made a big mistake. Expenses increase, and consumption often depends on mood.

The overall performance of Leos in the basic education stage is average, and they are good for project research, professional training, studying abroad, etc. However, there will be more twists and turns at the end of the month. It is advisable to look back at the direction and plan to see if there are any omissions and improper adjustments, and make timely adjustments.

Health and fortune

need to be focused on. This month, emotions are raging, and the body also feels like it cannot be relieved no matter how much it is overdrawn. Beware of the outbreak of chronic diseases or hidden diseases. If you feel unwell, it is best to seek medical treatment in time. Pay attention to travel safety at the beginning of the month.

is a month of contact with new directions, opening up the pattern, and leaving as soon as possible.

"Career Luck"

It will be a month for Virgos to have a new look in the workplace, whether it is a public appearance opportunity, a casual business trip, being appointed as an advance team to explore new directions and new fields, etc. New opportunities may come to you this month. When you have free time, you can improve your image or package yourself to prepare yourself for the stage. Moreover, a certain business trip or exchange this month is likely to have an impact and change on your ideas. Many Virgos will consider jumping off the runway, crossing borders, conducting professional training, etc., thereby opening up a new career path. road. The fortune of cooperation fluctuates slightly, so you should keep your eyes peeled when communicating with customers and cooperating with partners, and pay attention to keeping records.

"Emotional Luck"

Good social and romantic luck, which helps to make like-minded friends from different circles, or meet good-looking members of the opposite sex at work or at parties. Many people will have more than one choice. Virgos who are attached should avoid having too high expectations for their partner this month, and pay more attention to and reflect on the problems that exist in the process of getting along.


Positive wealth is generally stable, and there are opportunities to promote new cooperation and gain gains in new fields. There are many risks in investment and lending. It is recommended to slow down the pace, not to make hasty decisions, and to be cautious when dividing accounts in a partnership. In addition, you may make a fortune this month, such as treating guests to dinner or having fun.

"Academic Luck"

Take the initiative to study, and experience rapid accumulation of experience in the months. It is expected to break through the bottleneck and reach a higher level. If you have a strong interest in further education, studying abroad, obtaining professional certificates, etc., you should strike while the iron is hot. Yi had a disagreement with her mentor.

"Healthy Luck"

is generally stable, but you need to pay special attention to travel safety. The end of the month is a good time to take a break.

This is the month when you are prone to adventurous thoughts, so you should always remember to seek stability first.

"Career Luck"

Opportunities and challenges are coming together, making Libras this month anxious and excited. What is anxious is that due to the influence of Neptune retrograde, the work content and surrounding personnel environment are constantly changing, and a lot of detailed work All need to be re-evaluated, and the docking work also needs a clearer process, and should not be overly idealistic. Especially this month, there will be more negotiations, consultations, and paperwork, and it will be easy to achieve results. Therefore, you will gain the appreciation or trust of senior personnel, and you will be one step closer to promotion and salary increase. Cooperation matters will slow down at the end of the month and require more adjustment. Don't make promises easily.

"Emotional Luck"

This is a month with strong sexual drive. Explore new positions, enjoy the thrill of conquest, and push the relationship further. However, you must pay attention to taking care of each other's feelings. Don't be too hasty in the interaction between men and women. Single Libras may have colleagues or friends become lovers.

"Wealth Luck"

It is a month when business ambitions are strong, and the investment direction or financial management structure will change significantly. It is a month of big openings and closings, and it is easy to make aggressive moves, such as large loans, and quarrels with partners due to profit distribution issues. Conflicts part ways and so on. Income from work is rising steadily, and there are opportunities to increase income through good reputation.

Academic fortune

The overall academic performance has tended to be stable, but the overall situation is not as easy as before, and the progress has slowed down. Especially scientific researchers, international students, and people studying on the job will need to spend more energy on their studies from the middle of this month.

"Healthy Luck"

With reduced immunity and chaotic work and rest, it is easy to develop bad living habits.

The career direction will be good for a month, so do less useless work.

"Career Luck"

The work rhythm gradually returns to a stable month. In the first few days of the month, work is more urgent, and it is easy to have disputes with colleagues, subordinates and staff. However, with the withdrawal of Mars from the work house, impulsive self-indulgence and useless work, brain The tendency to take on challenges and find things for yourself will be reduced, and you will be able to deal with trivial processes and transactional work with a normal mind and a calmer attitude. But this month’s challenge falls on competition and cooperation. You will actively seek cooperation and strong alliances with partners, but you are likely to encounter a partner who is stronger than you and is oppressive to you. You need to learn to be more gentle. Expressing demands can make a difference. The new moon that occurs in the career palace at the end of the month lights up hope. Some Scorpios will put entrepreneurship or new projects on the agenda, or go to new companies or positions.

"Emotional Luck"

is still a relatively sensitive month. You need to be cared for by the other party, and it is also easy to be picky and picky be too enthusiastic and give too much, causing inner imbalance or putting pressure on the other party, thus stimulating conflicts. This month is very It is easy to fall in love and break up during this period, either when the passion is constantly sweet and sweet, or when conflicts intensify and they part ways. There are signs of developing a long-distance and exotic relationship.


Positive wealth is generally stable and good, especially for Scorpios in the system. However, investment and cooperation have unfavorable fortunes, causing revenue growth to encounter bottlenecks. There may even be problems with the loss of certain important contracts and customers, and stock funds buying high and selling low.

"Academic Luck"

Success in learning is especially beneficial to Scorpios in higher education. Papers, research, further education, professional certificate examinations, etc. will go smoothly, and it will also be beneficial to applications for studying abroad, etc. For Scorpios who are in the basic education stage, a certain problem that bothers you may have results in the middle of the month.

"Healthy Luck"

The overall status is ok.

months when they work conscientiously and cannot tolerate others being lazy.

"Career Luck"

Sagittarius people this month are full of enthusiasm for work and have full schedules. They strive to work independently and demonstrate their talents and abilities. They should be careful about arguing with others on specific procedures, which will lead to all the hard work being done. , the result is thankless. This month is a good time to learn how to operate equipment, practice professional skills repeatedly, etc., and you can often master them quickly. In the second half of the month, you are almost the most popular candidates among the clients’ fathers and investors’ fathers. Sometimes you rely entirely on personal relationships to win projects, which makes people a little envious. At the end of the month, the guardian star goes retrograde, and some Sagittarius are prone to emo and feel that what they are doing is not what they like. Remember not to impulsively make major decisions during this period, such as quitting your job or investing in a business.

"Emotional Luck"

There are many good and bad peach blossoms, so you need to keep your eyes open. The person who was previously hot-headed and sensitive may need to get to know and understand again this month before deciding whether to go further. In the future, your partner will be a Sagittarius. You guys, please remember to give your other half reassurance.

"Wealth Luck"

Previous actions such as investing randomly, adding positions, etc., are more likely to be severely beaten by reality at the beginning of the month. However, if you have followed a safe and conservative route before, then this month will probably be good. In the second half of the month, wealth luck will increase. Not only are you expected to receive dividends, insurance compensation, patent fees, etc., but you are also expected to receive support from friends and partners and recover your arrears.

"Academic luck"

is in good condition and is expected to perform stably in the final exam, and is somewhat lucky. The second half of the month is another good time to take advantage of the summer vacation to improve yourself and overtake others in corners. It is very suitable to start some new subjects or study in your favorite fields.

"Healthy Luck"

During the period when the health status is unstable, physical strength is exhausted very quickly, and allergies, sports injuries, sudden emergencies, etc. are prone to occur. Many shooters tend to over-fit, so pay attention to intensity control and be careful of injuries.

are in a happy and adventurous month, but they still need to practice how to get along with others.

"Career Luck"

It is not suitable to work alone for a period of time. If you want to protect your income and interests, you must learn to persist in compromise and cooperate well with your employees, partners, and partners. At the beginning of the month, there is a slight lack of logic in thinking and expression, which may lead to unreasonable work arrangements and repeated setbacks, but fortunately, this situation will not last long. The full moon occurs in Capricorn in the middle of the month. An important project has entered the acceptance stage. You are also eager to gain recognition from society and people around you. Of course, this is also the peak of your emotions. If you feel that a stretched thread is about to break, Just give yourself a holiday and just focus on yourself; if the results are great, just enjoy the moment without being too anxious. In addition, you should develop more projects that can showcase your talents and creativity this month, and you will be much happier.

"Emotional Luck"

If you have strong love luck, you may have more than one suitor. Your attitude towards relationships is also uncharacteristic, becoming bolder and more intense. You are more likely to express your feelings, get engaged and get married, and take the lead in sweet dates with your partner. Some people encourage you to do so. Have the courage to pursue your own gods and goddesses.

"Wealth Luck"

Work income is rising steadily, and I can finally bid farewell to the previous state of exhaustion and poverty. The cooperation between noble people and luck is running well, which is especially beneficial to Capricorns who are engaged in public relations, sales, art and other related work. It may be possible at the end of the month There is unexpected wealth.

"Academic Luck"

feels a little confused and has a poor sense of rhythm. Especially short-term study and examination plans are easily disturbed and are in a dilemma. Severe lack of self-discipline and excessive playfulness during holidays are beneficial to the development of artistic expertise and creation, but not conducive to serious subjects.

"Healthy Luck"

Your health is generally stable, please pay attention to contraception.

In the month when the pace of the workplace is relaxed, there will be more housework to worry about.

"Career Luck"

Compared with the turbulent first half of the year, July will be a relatively calm month for Aquarius people. Both the workload and the content of the work are not too heavy, or they are all within your control. As long as I can cope with it with ease, I can get along relatively harmoniously with my colleagues, so I can actually take some time off from my busy schedule to do things I like, perfect my ideas, or fish for fun. In the second half of the month, there will be opportunities to launch new cooperation projects or meet new partners. The overall progress should be quite positive. At the end of the month, Jupiter goes retrograde in your communication sector. Some Aquarius are a little taciturn and just want to be alone. Therefore, if you have a job that requires signing contracts, interviews, communication, etc., it is recommended to avoid the end of the month.

"Emotional Luck"

The focus of love this month is on family relationships. You are less patient with your family members and children. It may also be that your neighbors are decorating and making you irritable at home, and conflicts are prone to break out. Single Aquarius office romances are budding, and the last few days of the month are an opportunity to start or establish a relationship.

"Financial Luck"

This is still a month that lacks reasonable financial planning. Although the income is relatively stable, it still takes a little more time to adjust the financial structure and increase the safety factor. The surge in household-related expenses makes it easy not only to impulsively purchase property and decorate, rent a store, move, etc., but there may also be losses such as damage to equipment and electrical appliances.

"Academic Luck"

is not down-to-earth enough, but fortunately, the end of the month is a good adjustment period, which is very suitable for putting review and checking for deficiencies on the agenda. It is helpful to find complementary learning partners and restrain and encourage each other.

"Healthy Luck"

is indolent, addicted to milk tea, sweets, etc., and is too lazy to exercise, so be careful to gain weight. Beware of injuries at home.

will have a colorful social life in this month, walking at the forefront of information and gossip.

"Career Luck"

This is a Pisces who always likes to wait for opportunities. During the month when he starts to actively move around and inquire about information, field business will increase significantly. Although Neptune retrograde makes you slightly less logical, your intuition is enhanced and you can often get valuable first-hand consultation before others, which is beneficial to practitioners in public relations, media, writing and other related industries. You need to pay a little more attention and listen patiently. After all, this month you are a bit like a "shark" in meetings and communications. You are quick to respond and outspoken, which can easily offend others. In addition, you must also pay attention to discernment and don't be led by gossip. Especially in the middle of the month, it is easy to fall out with friends or team members. New projects will be launched in the second half of the year, which will help you change jobs and take over new jobs, and the pace of work will also accelerate.

"Emotional Luck"

It is a wonderful month for love life. Singles have peach blossoms in bloom, enjoying the joy of being loved, and there are many heart-warming moments; the interactions between Pisces and their partners are also full of romance and tenderness, parent-child and family relationships. The relationship is also very harmonious.

"Wealth Luck"

I need to pay more to ensure my income from work, and I feel that it is getting harder and harder to make money. However, the speculative fortune in the second half of the month is good, and income from stock funds and other funds can be considered to give you some comfort. Social spending increases, but at the end of the month many Pisces will realize that they have spent too much before and start to restrain themselves.

"Academic Luck"

has an active mind and strives hard for a month. He has a clear goal to surpass, his ability to absorb information is enhanced, and he can answer questions efficiently and effectively. Pay attention to patience and meticulousness to avoid mistakes caused by impatience.

"Healthy Luck"

The first half of the month is generally stable. In the second half of the month, it is easy for the body to decline due to low mood or excessive anxiety, and the probability of scratches and friction while driving vehicles is high.