Text/Yitu Constellation Chart/Internet [Intrusion and Deletion] Capricorns will get help from the outside world at work this week. Thanks to Mercury and Venus both being in the work palace, you will be more rigorous in the workplace, and you will also encounter Good partners, I b

Text/Yitu Constellation

Picture/Network [Intrusion and Deletion]


Capricorns will get help from the outside world at work this week. Thanks to Mercury and Venus both being in the work palace, you will be more rigorous in the workplace, and You will also meet good partners, and I believe you can show your abilities. Although you are lucky, you still have to rely on yourself a lot to continuously improve your charm. As Neptune begins to go retrograde on Tuesday, you will gradually pay attention to the interpersonal relationships around you, and some confusing information may appear in communication. Sometimes you should not deliberately pursue certain things, but you must keep your true heart, so that you can develop more and more. smoothly. In addition, as the new moon starts in your house on Wednesday, I believe you will also receive good blessings in terms of relationships. The new moon in your house will strengthen your emotional relationship, and the willingness of Capricorns and partners will also be strengthened.

In terms of relationships, you should learn to interact more in life. Sometimes a stable relationship will become a good helper at work. Some Capricorns need to face the pressures of life with their partners. Although it is still difficult for you at the moment, fortunately, you are willing to support each other. And with the opening of the new moon on Wednesday, I believe you also have the idea of ​​​​getting married. Single Capricorns may also meet a suitable partner and start a new relationship.


Aquarius may face transfers at work this week. With the energy of the sun in the work house, you have experienced a lot of ups and downs. Some Aquarius may find a suitable job, and some Aquarius may also find a suitable job. Possible promotion and salary increase. As Neptune goes retrograde in the house of wealth on Tuesday, it is recommended that you be more cautious about your finances. Neptune's retrograde will bring some negative energy. You must be cautious about financial expenditures, otherwise you will be easily deceived and cause losses. In addition, as the new moon opens in the work palace on Wednesday, it is easy for you to encounter suitable projects in the workplace. Perhaps all your efforts are waiting to bloom now. Some Aquarius can win projects that suit them. I hope you will perform well and let those who support you have confidence in you.

In terms of relationships, you should avoid repeating the same mistakes in relationships, don't run away from unhappy relationships in the past, and you must learn to face them. If you haven't figured out how to face it yet, then stay single for the time being. Aquarius with a partner has a clearer plan for the future, but they still need to learn to deal with many problems proactively.


Pisces like to invest more time and energy in love this week. Thanks to the energy of the sun in the love house, you are full of motivation, and you will also pay attention to controlling your emotions, so you will combine Adjust your investment in your own time. With the support of , Jupiter, and Mars in the house of wealth this week, you will receive sufficient material support, and you will easily feel satisfied. As Neptune begins to go retrograde in your life palace on Tuesday, you may gradually have negative thoughts. Some Pisces must learn to find their own sense of existence. Sometimes the outside world does not understand your behavior, so don't rush to explain it. In addition, as the new moon opens in the love palace on Wednesday, I believe that single Pisces will receive good luck, and perhaps those with a partner can also start preparing for pregnancy.

In terms of relationships, Pisces will face differences in consumption concepts with their partners in the near future, and you may have disputes. It is recommended that you learn to understand each other and be honest when encountering problems. It is easy for single Pisces to determine a new relationship, and it is also suitable to pay attention to the person who is truly suitable for you. Pisces in a relationship learn to bridge the associated pressures and gaps.

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