Hello everyone, I am Congcong. Tomorrow is July, so I have prepared the monthly horoscope for you. The specific horoscopes of the twelve zodiac signs will be written separately this time. This article mainly explains the movement of the stars in July.

Hello everyone, I am Congcong. Tomorrow is July, so I have prepared the monthly horoscope for you. The specific horoscopes of the twelve zodiac signs will be written separately this time. This article mainly explains the movement of the stars in July.

Let’s first take a look at the main fortunes in July:

Let’s first look at the period at the beginning of the month. For some people, the higher the goals they set for themselves, the more distant they are and the harder it is to achieve them. It will also distract us, so why not break it into something that can be easily achieved and do it step by step.

Another sign is the change of Mars. If Mars enters Taurus, you may feel a little more emotionally stable, but don’t forget that this is a fallen position. Uranus is also retrograde in the same sign. The explosive power of Taurus is no better than Aries. is weak, but it is not as fast as and . On the same day, Mercury also moves from Gemini to Cancer. We will switch to a warm way of thinking and communicating with others, but we may also ignore the emotionality of words and emphasize rational thinking.

The full moon is a feedback on the results of our hard work during the new moon period in Cancer. During this period, many people may have to succumb to the reality and return to their hometowns, preparing to live a less stressful but comfortable life. Some people will Face new choices, such as obeying your parents' arrangements, getting married, and changing your identity. However, the aspect of Venus and Neptune requires us to be careful about the boundaries in the relationship, and it will be easier to fall into an unclear relationship. Don't be fooled by superficial phenomena, and be careful not to fall into the trap of a liar and expose yourself to losses.

html The aspects of Mercury on the 118th and 19th will also make some people a bit arrogant and arrogant in their words. They always think that they are right and want to lead the other party. Although sometimes your speeches are indeed very vivid, but the specifics are It is necessary to proceed from a practical point of view, do not offend others easily, and be careful of misfortunes coming from your mouth.

The new moon in Leo is related to self-expression, leisure, entertainment and creation, so it is more suitable for us to organize a new plan about creation and self-expression, and start to implement it. If there is such a thing In terms of ideas, it is also a good start for individuals who want to express themselves. Maybe everyone wants to be a star in the spotlight~

Jupiter retrograde in Aries will make us short-lived. Opportunities, such as which aspects of things we did before that were too rough, not refined and perfect enough, can now go back and retouch them, because Jupiter moved too fast when it first entered Aries and we definitely missed something. After all, switching from Pisces means an end and a new beginning, and what will it be like when it goes retrograde to Pisces and Neptune in the same sign? We'll see again in November.

summary: The entire first half of July made us a little confused and eager for success. If we do not have sufficient strength and preparation, it is easy to hit the wall. Make a plan based on your own strength. In addition, we need Handle the relationship between all parties well, whether it is cooperation, social or family, find a relationship that you think is good and worthy of relying on, and start to establish long-term connections. Pay attention to some verbal disputes in the second half of the month, and don't be too egotistical. Although we want to be in the limelight and prove ourselves, we should not be too quick.