Hello everyone, this is Spiritual Tarot. The teacher shares with you the emotional fortune of Pisces in July. Of course, the energy of the masses here may not necessarily match the situation of every Pisces. Individuals can communicate with me individually to see their own situat

Hello everyone, this is Lingyu Tarot. The teacher shares with you the emotional fortune of Pisces in July. Of course, the energy of the masses here may not necessarily match the situation of every Pisces. Individuals can communicate with me individually to see their own situation.

I see a very clear message here, and it seems to have a relatively sad energy. Pisces friends may not have been going very smoothly recently, and they always feel that they can’t let go. Something may have happened that has a great impact on you. Some It may be that the relationship has ended, you are facing a breakup or have lost contact with the other person. I think the energy of the third party is more obvious here. It feels like there is a third party intervening between you, or maybe you and the other party are already married, and now you have to face the situation of extramarital affairs. But I think you and your partner, Pisces, love each other very much, and the feeling of love has not disappeared now.

This may also be the case, where practical factors prevent you from falling in love and not being able to stay together. It is possible that before you met this person, you both had your own partner and were in a relationship, or one of you had his own relationship. Companion's. If this is the case, then you actually knew what this relationship was like from the beginning, that is, you each understood that it was a threesome, but you ignored the situation and were unwilling to face the problem head-on. At that time It seems that the problem is not that serious, but slowly it has developed into an obstacle that has the greatest impact on you and cannot be ignored.

It seems that the situation you may encounter with some Pisces friends is that you cannot completely win this person's heart. It is impossible for him to leave his previous energy, and there will be no room for further development between you and him. If you don't know what to do, you can also come and ask me to see if there is any way to help you overcome the obstacles in front of you and get out of the current predicament. I can give you more advice, I hope it can really help you.

I still feel a relatively strong energy of missing you. It seems that this person is still thinking about you and he just can’t let you go. I said you two love each other, the energy of love is very strong, and the connection is relatively strong. He has always left a place for you in his heart, but now I feel that for one party’s energy, this love has turned into pain. The restraints, I feel like I can't bear it when I think about it. Maybe the other person has made the decision to leave, and he is determined to let you go. Although he loves you and can't let you go, he can't stand such a conflict. For him, once feelings become a burden, there will be no hope. meaningful.

So he will definitely leave this relationship. He has no way to solve the problem in reality, and giving up is the most suitable way. But I think this person will still appear, even if you have made it clear and have confirmed the breakup, and there is no news from the other person for a long time, but suddenly this person will send you a message, and you can’t figure out what he wants to do, but he will. Express some ambiguous emotions and you will feel that he is still thinking of you and that he still loves you.

But what does he bring to you? He was unable to take any action other than the language he liked. I think Pisces friends, you still need to think carefully. Do you want to have an insecure relationship? If you already have an answer, I feel you should make a choice and express your attitude.

That’s all for sharing the situation of Pisces. I hope everyone can live better and better. If you encounter any problems, you can tell me and the teacher can give you guidance. See you next time, bye.