↑ Please click "Sister Siyou" to follow the overview: This month's horoscope is generally relatively average, which is more suitable for keeping a low profile and accumulating strength. For most of this month, the stars are not too strong, and there are more hard aspects in which

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Overview: 's horoscope this month is generally average, and is more suitable for keeping a low profile and accumulating strength.

For most of this month, the stars are not too prosperous, and there are many hard aspects that are wrestling with each other. Overall, the energy brought by the stars is not that powerful.

On July 23, the sun entered Leo and began to flourish and give full play to his power.

7 Important times and astrology in July:

Mars enters Taurus at 14:04 on July 5, Mercury enters Cancer at 14:25

Venus enters Cancer at 9:32 on July 18

Mercury enters Leo at 20:35 on July 19

July 23rd 4: 07 The sun enters Leo

July 14th 2:37 full moon @ Capricorn

July 29th 1:55 new moon @ Leo (can make a wish)

The best fortune this month: Cancer and Capricorn

The next best: Gemini Leo Sagittarius

Attention Watch your wallet closely: Aries Libra

(for fortune, please refer to sun sign and rising sign)

Let’s take a detailed look at each constellation.

(Warm reminder: The next article will write the special essence version of for wealth, peach blossoms, career, and examination luck, will be released on 7.2)


    This month, Yang Bao’s mobility has obviously weakened, maybe because it started last month. It's full of power, too tired. Even if you want to take action, you will always encounter such restrictions or objective conditions, and your actions will be restricted and constrained. You will lack that "silky smooth" feeling of smoothness and smoothness. It is better to take advantage of the situation and slow down a little. , recuperate and accumulate energy.

      This month, Yang Bao is more concerned about finances, but he may also be a little lazy in taking action, unable to keep up the energy, or he may be stubborn and stubborn in certain actions/operations. Either don’t do it, or go too far.

      Especially at the beginning of the month, there may be some impulsive or violent behaviors. You need to be cautious and think twice. This may be destructive behavior.

      At the end of the month, there may be strong words again, and words may cause conflicts. Either words and deeds are inconsistent, or actions are acted without thinking and impulsively, or actions are always slow and cannot keep up with thinking.

      In short, there will be many financial pitfalls this month, so think twice before acting and be careful to protect your money.

        You may also encounter some problems this month in communicating with your family and parents.

        html In early February, there may be some misunderstandings in words, or exaggeration, big talk, casual promises, etc. Sometimes if we say it carelessly, parents may really feel relieved, so we should pay attention to this.

        In the second half of this month, the atmosphere of the family will pick up. You can take your parents to enjoy life and further enhance the warmth of sharing a family.

          In the second half of this month, thinking and communication about relationships, love affairs, or children may be a little forceful or blunt, and you want to overwhelm the other person verbally.

          Especially in the few days at the end of the month, there may be some fierce words or some destructive words, which will cause great pressure on communication and even break up the relationship. You need to pay attention to it.

          In fact, in many cases, Rouran is more powerful and more "moisturizing and silent", including in communication and expression. In the last week of this month, your fortune in love and life and enjoyment will gradually improve.


            This month's Niu Bao people are in good overall condition, but their mobility is not enough, they can't get excited, and they are lazy. There may also be some impatience in the temper.

            In the first half of this month, you may focus more on some thinking, communication and flexible operations in the financial field. In the second half of this month, you will gradually shift to some thinking, learning and communication on stability, safety, reliability, etc. You may also put away your aggression and express yourself more gracefully.

              In fact, this month in the field of learning, thinking, communication and expression, there is a trend from being fast and flexible, and dealing with daily details to being safe, secure and reliable.

              But the process may not be so harmonious. You may encounter some deception, lies, empty but meaningless clichés, very hurtful words, destructive and fierce words, inconsistent words, communication under pressure, etc.

              I hope you have a strong heart. We will not show off with our mouths. We should be "cowardly" appropriately, give in, protect ourselves, and don't mess up.

                In the second half of this month, communication with family and parents will gradually increase, but be careful not to try to gain the upper hand in words. It is our home, our parents. Expressions can be softer and childish, and the atmosphere will be Even better, the whole home will be illuminated by you.


                  Your financial fortune will have ups and downs this month. The first few days at the beginning of the month are good, but they will gradually level off. In the second half of the year, there will be a slight rebound.

                  Financial thinking or communication will also fluctuate with this. It will be more flexible and fast at first, and gradually become cautious and conservative, safety first, and safety is always the right thing.

                  In the second half of the year, you may make a little fortune.

                    In terms of learning, thinking, communication and expression, I will be more active later this month and take the initiative to pay attention to this field. If you have some plans or arrangements in this area, take this opportunity to implement it.

                    You are good at communicating ideas, and your fortune in this area is very good this month. You will be illuminated, especially in the last week.

                      But this month’s spiritual world seems to be a little stressful, not very energetic, or there are more negative and negative energy thoughts, or random thoughts and strange thoughts. The energy is difficult to release, causing some mental distress or stress to yourself.

                      Some friends may not be interested in having sex.

                      In addition, there may be villains secretly doing some tricks, so be careful.


                        Your own condition is pretty good this month, relatively stable, there are no major emotional ups and downs, your thinking and communication are normal, and you are relatively calm.

                        However, you may encounter some misleading false information, exaggerated false information, etc. Be careful to distinguish and do not relax your vigilance.

                        In the second half of this month, interpersonal relationships or life enjoyment will bring you some more pleasant experiences, and your overall state will also be slightly improved due to a small boost. The overall situation is stable and improving, which is not bad.

                          However, in terms of social interaction and interpersonal interaction this month, you seem to have little mobility and a bit low energy.

                          It may be that there were too many things at work last month, or that I worked too hard and consumed a lot of energy. I need to rest, adjust and replenish energy. Let’s slow down the pace a little this month, and relax.

                            Your financial fortune is pretty good this month. Mainly in the second half of the month, it is suitable for some financial thinking, communication and planning. Especially in the last week, your financial fortune will jump up and your wealth palace will be illuminated.

                            However, the process may not necessarily feel good. There may also be fierce words, or actions that cannot keep up with the brain, actions without thinking, lack of communication or communication pressure, etc., especially in the last few days of this month, it is necessary to Pay attention.


                              The status is average most of the time this month. There may be a little more drama in the spiritual world and more thoughts, but it’s okay, it’s not too negative, and the pressure isn’t too great. It’s possible to focus on thinking, communication, and some behind-the-scenes work, charity, metaphysics, and spirituality. things.

                              To the second half of the year, you will receive some pleasant or reassuring experiences mentally, with dependence and protection.

                                Your own condition will begin to improve in the second half of the year. In terms of communication and expression, you may be a little strong and majestic, but your condition is good.

                                html From 2 to 7.23, the guardian sun returns to Leo, and the fortune and status of the lions will take off accordingly. It is recommended to do some preparation and paving the way in advance.

                                When your fortune is average, it is appropriate to keep a low profile and bide your time, then hit the mark with one hit and take advantage of the situation to soar.

                                  However, in terms of career this month, the Leo's mobility is somewhat insufficient, or it may be a wrong move, over or under. He also has a bad temper and lacks a little patience.


                                    is a zodiac sign that mainly plays a supporting role this month. It is small and transparent, and is relatively plain and normal in all aspects. In life, being ordinary is true, and nothing is a good thing.

                                    This month, you will allocate a certain amount of energy in terms of social interaction, interpersonal relationships, and friend circles. It may be thinking about these aspects, or it may be communication and interaction with them, etc.

                                    But there may be some confusing situations that you can’t think clearly or explain clearly. Please be careful to calm down and sort them out.

                                    html In the second half of 2, you may gain some good experiences in these aspects, or have some quality social interactions, and you may also make new friends who are good-looking or elegant.

                                      The spiritual world is also relatively rich this month, mainly in the second half of the year. You may have a lot of thinking and learning or exchange information with others, and collision of ideas,

                                      But the information in it may be mixed, and some may be very destructive. You You need to distinguish carefully, don't be disturbed, don't be stressed, stay clear, and your spiritual world will begin to open up.

                                        In addition, your exam luck this month is not very good. It is also not conducive to traveling and traveling.


                                          Orange will have a heavy career role this month, and there will be a lot of related communications, but you will also encounter misleading information, even lies and deceptions, as well as empty exaggerated words and damaging information. Please Keep your eyes open.

                                          However, these negative energies in communication and information have not affected your career fortune. Although it is not very good, it is still stable.

                                          html From 2 to late, there will be a slight improvement in career fortune, and you will feel happy and smooth. The overall feeling of the career is suppressed first and then improved.

                                          Especially those Libra who are engaged in the beauty industry, quality life, eating, drinking, entertainment, art, and design, may feel better.

                                            Your fortune will be good this month in terms of social interaction, interpersonal relationships, and friend circles, mainly in the second half of the year. There are gradually more exchanges and contacts. If you have some plans in this regard, you can take this opportunity to arrange them. If there are misunderstandings, you might as well use this time to communicate and eliminate them, especially in the last week. The fortune and status are very good, and the whole circle will be illuminated.

                                            However, you must be careful not to be too overbearing in your speech. Avoid fierce words and use a softer tone. You might as well be childish, simple, sincere, and coquettish, and it may have good results.

                                              In addition, Orange may encounter accidents or financial losses this month. You must pay more attention to safety and keep a tight eye on your wallet.


                                                This month, you will have good fortune in terms of improving your spiritual wisdom or furthering your studies. You will do some detailed thinking, communication or solid planning in these aspects, but in the process, you should be careful to distinguish those that are deceptive. Exaggerated bad information.

                                                In the second half of 2020, the experience in these aspects will also be slightly improved, and you may gain elegant, beautiful and pleasant feelings from these areas.

                                                  Scorpios are in pretty good shape in their careers this month, and their career luck is also pretty good. Mainly in the second half of the year, there will be more career communication and thinking, information exchange, or learning.

                                                  But be careful not to let actions and expressions come faster than thinking. Don't speak without thinking or act without thinking. Don't be too forceful with your words.

                                                  In the last week, career fortune and overall aspects will be further improved significantly. This is the legendary, "good wind will send you to the blue sky with its power". Please prepare in advance.

                                                  In your career, you may also meet noble people to help you.

                                                    In terms of maintaining a business partnership or partnership this month, you seem to lack some mobility, have a bad temper, and have little patience.


                                                      Hey, your financial fortune is slightly better this month, with slight ups and downs, but steady growth. It's mainly about wealth, and it may come with some risks, for example, it may come from investment.

                                                      You may have some thoughts in this regard, or learn some operating methods, experiences, etc. Of course, you must pay attention to distinguish the information you receive. Some are confusing and deceptive. Accept it, but do not accept it.

                                                      In the second half of 2020, you may receive some small good news in this regard, not big, but still very happy. This may be the legendary little good news.

                                                        Your exam luck will be very good this month, mainly in the second half of the year. Especially in the last week, there will be a big improvement, from good to better.

                                                        Of course, this good luck is also good for studying and furthering your education, traveling far away, as well as legal affairs and religious affairs (if there are such matters). However, it may not be manifested simultaneously/equally in all of these aspects.

                                                        However, as a friendly reminder, you need to pay attention to avoid exaggerated and empty words, intense expressions, and feeling good about yourself.

                                                          At work this month, your mobility seems to be somewhat insufficient, and your temper may not be very good. Especially those Sagittarius friends who are engaged in technical work or the service industry, please pay attention to adjustments.

                                                          In addition, some Sagittarius may encounter surgery this month.


                                                            This month is more favorable for partnerships or partner relationships. The overall fortune in this area is stable and rising.

                                                            You will communicate more with your partner or partner, and most of them will be more emotional and thoughtful communications. Of course, there may also be some "beautiful lies", but in the general direction, the overall atmosphere and fortune will be improved. However, Still be careful not to say hurtful words.

                                                            html In the second half of 2, the fortune of a partnership or cooperative relationship will rise slightly, and you will also experience a happy, beautiful and heart-warming feeling.

                                                              This month's financial luck looks very good. Of course, it is a partial financial luck with risks, such as investment or similar. Mainly in the second half of the year, there may be some authoritative information in this regard. Especially in the last week, luck and opportunities have improved significantly, let’s see if they can be transformed.

                                                                In terms of romantic love this month, there doesn’t seem to be much motivation and action. In terms of life enjoyment, entertainment and leisure, there is not much enthusiasm. Fair and average.

                                                                Aquarius :

                                                                  Aquarius have good luck at work this month. There is a lot of communication, thinking and learning at work, and progress is being made steadily.

                                                                  html In the second half of 2, your work luck will see a slight improvement, which may make you feel a little relaxed and happy. The interpersonal relationships and interactions at work are also pretty good.

                                                                  Especially those who are engaged in technical work or service industry, the feeling of happiness may be more obvious.

                                                                    If you are in a partnership or partnership, your fortune will be relatively prosperous this month, mainly in the second half of the year.

                                                                    As long as some aggressive and destructive words are avoided, the overall atmosphere is pretty good and there is more communication.

                                                                    Especially in the last week, partners have very good luck. Frank and direct communication, and a sincere and simple atmosphere really make this relationship harmonious, warm, and powerful.

                                                                    Therefore, if there are any problems that have been "frozen", you might as well take this time to communicate and solve them, and let the sun help you melt them and warm them.

                                                                      This month, you may be a little neglected by your family and parents, lack of mobility, and have a bad temper. Be careful and don't break your parents' hearts.


                                                                        The peach blossoms of the fish are slightly prosperous. Of course, you may encounter sweet words, sugar-coated bullets, or even lies and deception. Please be careful to stay awake and don't get carried away by falling in love.

                                                                        html In the second half of 2, your love fortune will further improve. You may have a lot of sweet feelings, and you may also meet a beautiful person.

                                                                        Of course, this fortune is also conducive to pregnancy and childbirth.

                                                                          Fish’s work fortune is also very good this month, mainly in the second half of the year. As we have more communication at work, our roles will naturally become more important. But you still need to identify information and pay attention to the calmness of your words.

                                                                          Especially in the last week, my work was even brighter. I could see clearly and felt that everything was going smoothly. I also felt that I was glowing, fulfilled, and had a sense of value and accomplishment.

                                                                          You may also meet noble people at work.

                                                                          Especially Pisces who are engaged in technical work or service industry, the feeling may be stronger.

                                                                            However, in terms of learning and thinking this month, I am a bit slack, have no motivation, follow the steps step by step, a bit lazy, or procrastinate.

                                                                            Transportation is not very smooth either, so be careful and pay attention to safety.

                                                                            (For fortune, please refer to the sun sign and rising sign . Do you all know your rising sign? )

                                                                            (Warm reminder: The next article will write about the special essence version of wealth, peach blossoms, career, and examination luck, published on 7.2 )

                                                                            —— The full text is complete.

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