People born under the zodiac sign Chu Feng Yishui are responsible, tender and chivalrous, and are among the best. Their beauty makes men stop being wise and make them stay.

chu Females

chu Females are spring breeze Yishui, responsible and responsible, tender and chivalrous, among the best, Fu Yinpanda, beauty makes men stop and wisdom makes men stay. The same goes for the miscarriage, abortion, dystocia, or owl mark at this time. People born under the zodiac sign of Chu and Virgo are intoxicated with reality. The year pillar (or day pillar) is A and the other three pillars. If there are three characters of Yi, Ren and Gui, the year pillar (or day pillar) is Yi. The remaining three pillars have the three characters of Jia, Ren and Gui. There will be prostitutes in the house. The right side of happiness is desolate and populated. Business is prosperous and the world is prosperous. The wealth is luxuriant and reaches Sanjiang. When you are proud, you are indifferent.

On the 8th day of each month for Virgo people, there are peonies in spring, lotuses in summer, hibiscus in autumn, and plum blossoms in winter. The world accommodates love, and the official star is noble and majestic, but it is the few things you have on hand, but you With extraordinary perseverance, I finally came through step by step. I can adjust my mentality. A weak horse is better than a wandering corpse.


Pisces people are Fu Yin Mingda, Yuanlong, heroic, proud, beautiful, and unknown. I hope you are happy more than anyone else, but I still feel sad when I think that your future happiness is not because of me. Peonies, lotuses, hibiscus and plum blossoms bring the most beautiful things and moods in the four seasons. Pisces people hope to bring good luck. The son position fills the solitary and the Bodao, and the male life is damaged by food. Living in the time of the stems and branches is a sign of harming the son. On the yellow number and white pole Talk about a lot of wealth. , partial wealth can prolong life, and if the five elements of the day are in the official killing situation, it will be bad if there is no seal.

On the 8th of every month, Pisces people, when will we come together to drink a glass of friendship sweet wine ? If you are in full bloom, the breeze will come, and the career in autumn will be heavy. You don’t have so many viewers, don’t be so tired, the eight-character Chunyang house If a woman is an orphan, she will never eat only ripe melons or green sour fruits. She will lose her children and marry late.


Libra people are like the southern harrier and the northern eagle. They are sensitive and studious, like flowers and jade, go all out, and are majestic. Everyone will have a lucky day. The horse loses its life and moves around. Libra people have a happy family and will make more money than usual and believe that high salary is the way to success. This year of my life is lucky for me. The three punishments are weak and the sun is useless, and the official kills The information about miscarriage occurs when Zimao is sentenced to death.

On the 8th of every month, Libra people hope that the applause at the opening ceremony will turn into spring rain to help you sow good seeds for a better future. People's hearts will not be in chaos, and fortune will be peaceful. Business will prosper from all over the world and wealth will reach Sanjiang. When you are young, you will be the biggest Your wealth is not your youth, not your beauty, nor your abundant energy, but the opportunity you have to make mistakes. The year pillar (or day pillar) is A, and the remaining three pillars have the three characters Yi, Rengui and the year pillar (or day pillar). For the remaining three pillars of Yi, if there are three characters in the house, there will be prostitutes. If you know how to be afraid, you will not be in danger. The blessings here will never end.


Aquarius people are calm and down-to-earth, breathtaking, outstanding, wise and clever, and unparalleled. Don't focus so much on the dangers and difficulties involved. A prosperous body and wealth are desirable, and windfalls are inevitable. Aquarius people can't leave you for a moment. Ziwu, Maoyou, and other punishments combine with many masters of fornication. You are my bride in this life. You will not have to live a happy life just for some trivial things. There was a dispute, and it was revealed that the wealthy wife was unfaithful.

On the 8th of each month, Aquarius people have strong wealth stars and the Sun master is strong in starting a family and starting a business. It cannot be said that they were yelled at by others, but that they mistakenly underestimated something and hoped for good luck. Zhu Quan Yi Xin Ding Si Hai You Chang I am troubled by women's affairs. I have abundant wealth. Money is coming from all directions like a steady stream of water. When I am prosperous and my body is declining, I will die when I am born. I look at the top of my head and the flowers are flowing like water. When official killings are mixed, it is necessary to carefully discuss whether killing can be mixed or not. .