I want to accompany you on many long streets and alleys, I want to spend many spring, summer, autumn and winter with you, I want to take you to and fro without wandering, I want to give you warm and stable love. I am not a gentle person at all, but I have been doing all the gentl

I want to accompany you on many long streets and alleys, I want to spend many spring, summer, autumn and winter with you, I want to take you to and fro without wandering, I want to give you warm and stable love. I am not a gentle person at all, but I have been doing all the gentle things for you. I am not a patient person, but I always run out of patience with you. Okay, let’s continue talking about fortune, and let’s talk about which zodiac signs will get married soon, harvest love, and linger.

Friends born in the zodiac of Dragon

will get married in the near future. You know how to handle your feelings carefully and don’t worry about gains and losses on love issues. You learn to appreciate your own shining points, continue to appreciate yourself, and then meet and love yourself. Those who go both ways will have a sweet life.

Zodiac Sheep

Friends who were born in the Year of the Sheep will gain love in the near future. You have always treated relationships with a very serious and responsible attitude, so you can get rich rewards in love. In the next time, your charm will be reflected, and you will gain love.

Zodiac Dog

Friends who were born in the Year of the Dog will be entangled in the near future. You will find the person you really like and start a romantic and sweet love. Through your work, you get to know the people you will spend your life with. You will find someone with whom you can grow old together and live a happy life.

I think, I like you from beginning to end, want to stand beside you, see you lower your eyebrows, see you smile, you don't speak, I also feel happy. To the world, you are one person, but to me, you are the world. Okay, let’s end this article here. Finally, Lao Chen hopes that all the friends who read this will find what they love.