Hello everyone, I am Qingying. Today I will show you the relationship predictions for Sagittarius babies in early July. First of all, you need to refer to your own zodiac sign. The sun, rising, or moon sign will be more accurate. Let’s go. Look at the Sagittarius baby's deck. The

Hello everyone, I am Qingying. Today I will show you the relationship predictions for Sagittarius babies in early July. First of all, you need to refer to your own zodiac sign, sun, rising, or moon sign will be more accurate. Oh

Let’s take a look at the Sagittarius baby’s deck. The first card of the Wands is reversed, the Ten of Swords is reversed, the Two of Wands is reversed, the Magician is reversed, the Three of Swords is reversed, and the Ten of Cups is reversed.

There are six cards in the deck. They are all reversed. The meaning of the card shows that the Sagittarius baby is often heartbroken over the lost relationship. Now is a very painful time, but you hope that this relationship will have a miracle. After all, the other person is the one you care about. , but the Sagittarius baby has been very negative recently. He feels that he is unable to control this relationship and doesn’t know what to do. At the same time, the baby is not having a smooth life. There are always troubles happening, which makes you have troubles. A feeling that everything is not going well. One of the two parties often has quarrels and disharmony at home, and one of the two parties may have a history of divorce. Sagittarius babies are actually very hurt in this relationship. Now they dare not trust others easily. They are very defensive towards people and have a lot of resistance to intimate relationships.

here drew a reminder card for the Sagittarius baby, which is a magician, indicating that it is more likely that the relationship will be reconciled later.

The heavy Gemini and Scorpio energy seen here may be in your and each other's rising, sun, or moon signs. You can each respond accordingly.

Here is the relationship prediction for Sagittarius babies in early July. Friends who like it can like and follow me. If you feel any trouble or have any emotional confusion, you can send a private message to the teacher and contact Qingying to chat. , based on your own situation, use tarot to give you some better guidance and help. Then we will stop here today. See you next time for predictions. Bye!