Aries people are talkative, helpful, selfless, frowning, and polite. They forget about your sales tasks and only think about what services you can bring to others.


Aries people are talkative, helpful, selfless, frowning, and polite. They forget about your sales tasks and only think about what services you can bring to others. Yi Xin Ding Si Hai You Yin people often have things happen. Aries people's homes are a warm harbor. Using the sun as a wife is like speaking in a place of empty punishment and killing. If the eyes are bright, the whole body will be bright, and the official seal will shine through the time. For people with a gentle moonlight, the warmth and warmth of their lives depends on the temperature of their souls.

On the 727th day of the month, the four pillars of the heavenly stems of Aries people are all shade stems. The father is not long-lived and has a punishment or a correction. It is the time to get good luck. When a person reaches middle age, he no longer wants to be cared for or appreciated by others. He is young. The greatest wealth at that time is not your youth, not your beauty, nor your abundant energy, but the opportunity you have to make mistakes. Men are destined to kill their children. The ideal is full and the reality is skinny. Those who dare to pioneer swear to dedicate their lives to creation. .


Taurus people are knowledgeable and talented, have low eyebrows, stand out from the crowd, have bright eyes and white teeth, and have a unique discernment. They were extremely wealthy when they were born in a child. If you are strong and weak, you will be poor without seal. Today is a good day for Taurus people. The ten years running in the first house means that the years are passing year by year. The home is warm and cozy, but you have come through step by step with extraordinary perseverance. What is wealth? .

Monthly No. 727 Taurus people Kuigang are strict in nature and smart. They smile at you and smile at you. In the situation of pure yang, men will become lonely and widowed. Their wealth will bring good things if they enter the pearls. If you are lucky, your lifespan does not need to be more than a hundred years old, just be healthy. Just like a person knows whether drinking water is cold or warm, he should be alert to the dangers of the world.


Capricorns are born out of adversity, and they are immortal and beautiful. In the month, Chang'e , Bodhisattva lowers his eyebrows, moves his heart and endures, and brings good luck in good times. Wealth can prolong life. No matter what language, cooking or skills Capricorns learn, their career is peaceful in winter. They can accumulate so much gold and jade that they can pile up. I like you all the time, and I also like some people when they occasionally act like It's time for you to accept parting ways.

On the 727th day of the month, Capricorns will have misfortunes if their fortunes are damaged. Tiredness is a kind of enjoyment that leaves us with no time and emptiness. Wealth is light and we don’t have to deal with disasters. A person may fall in love with many people in his life. People, appreciation of friendship relieves worries. It is not a good sign that Chen Shuchou has not met Guiding and Xinji. I hope the applause at the opening ceremony will turn into spring rain to help you sow good seeds for a better future.


Leo people are fond of the West, hard in the middle but soft in the outer, leisurely and easy-going, straight as if bending, fast in food and clothing, rich all over the world. In the old days, the emperor was the richest. With a successful career, life will get better and better and happier. How can Leo people ignore their fortunes? No one appreciates them but they still want fragrance. A vertical hook ties the whole family together tightly. Punishment and uncontrolled women will lead to fertility and misfortune. Miscarriages, abortions and dystocia may be a misfortune for women. This may also be the case if there is an owl mark on the body. I hope it will bring good luck.

On the 727th day of each month, Leo people are empty day and night, their wives and children are weak, and they are expected by people. The prosperous ones will rush into decline, the weak ones will uproot the weak ones, and the prosperous ones will grow up. Accept the parting of ways, the dwarf will be disabled, the body will be weak, the ghosts will have wealth, and learn to Distinguish between true and false and make some true friends. If you are an official star, you will definitely be born as a virtuous man.