The six behaviors that the God of Wealth dislikes the most: 1. Frequently frowning, or always having a sullen face when talking to others, and money will not come in. 2. Sighing and spitting. Sighing without any reason, or spitting all the time for no reason. These are actions th

The six behaviors that the God of Wealth dislikes the most:

1 Frequently frowning

Often frowning, or always having a sullen face when talking to others, money will not come in.

2. Sighing and spitting

Often sighing without any reason, or spitting all the time for no reason, these are actions that can easily scatter money. Qi and water are things that Chinese people need to maintain. These are things that must be guarded. If you behave like this, it means that you will behave like this when using money. You will spend it casually, and eventually you will not be able to save money.

3. Shaking the knees and shaking the legs

Shaking the knees and shaking the legs means that the personality in the heart is uncertain, so the way of spending money and the way of handling things are not mature enough, and the whole money will slowly disappear.

4. Brushing your teeth without covering them

Brushing your teeth without covering them not only means bad hygiene habits, but also means that you cannot keep your mouth shut. The mouth represents your treasury, so this kind of action can easily make the god of poverty find you.

5. Walking head first

means walking with the head in front. This kind of person has a very impatient personality and does things in a hurry. In fact, you should not be in a hurry when it comes to money. If you are in a hurry, you will lose as much as you earn.

6. Squatting to eat

Eating is enjoying your wealth. Squatting to eat not only prevents you from getting on the table, but also means that you don’t want the wealth when it comes, so this kind of behavior will make you unable to get rid of the god of poverty.

When seeking wealth, you must seek it in the right way. If you follow other methods, the wealth you seek will only be temporary and will not really belong to you.

Only with righteous wealth can you have peace.

If you have money, you can keep it and be safe is the greatest happiness.

If a family is open-minded, is kind to others, often does good deeds, and does not care about anything, then wealth will naturally come and money will be kept.

Confucius once said: "Getting rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me." Money and people's hearts are connected. If a person does not take the shortcut, wealth will come from afar. so. The real way to seek wealth is to cultivate your mind.

The ancients said: If you are greedy, the snake will swallow the elephant. It is right to seek wealth, but if greed arises, no god will bless you. Therefore, if you get rich through robbery and seek relocation through deception, you will not be able to keep the wealth gained in this way, and it will also result in the loss of your family and your family.

The Taoist official God of Wealth is Marshal Zhao Gongming, also called Wu God of Wealth. He has a black face and thick beard, rides a black tiger, holds a silver whip in one hand and a gold ingot in the other to show that wealth is shared by the world and everyone can get it. His subordinates Xiao Sheng, Cao Bao, Chen Jiugong, and Yao Shaosi were respectively named Zhaobao Tianzun, Nazhen Tianzun, Wealth Envoy, and Lucky Immortal Official. They were collectively known as the " Five-Way God of Wealth" and were in charge of the world. The source of wealth is huge, and people are given wealth based on their good deeds to show that "the way of heaven is selfless and only good is given."