The Leo friend you like has a lively energy and a child-like mind. He will have many simple ideas in this relationship, which may seem quite childish, but you and him can play together very well. They have very similar auras and are very happy and relaxed to get along with each o

The Leo friend you like has a lively energy and a child-like mind. He will have many simple ideas in this relationship, which seems quite childish, but you and him can play together very well. Your auras are quite compatible, and it's very happy and relaxing to get along with you. The other person doesn't like serious topics that much, and you will always create a more suitable atmosphere to get along with him. I think the other person cares more about himself, and he is full of confidence in himself. But in this case, you will feel that this person only loves you, but he will not pretend to you, and you will value him more. At this point, I feel that being with this person will not be so tiring.

He really enjoys your taking care of him. You may say some nice words, praise him, and respect him. He especially likes this feeling. I think he needs the recognition of external energy. I also say However, this person has a strong self-esteem just like a child. If you decide to date him, you can use this method to make him feel that you value him. I think this person likes to chat with you very much. In addition to common topics, this person just likes to share his own things with you. He likes to talk to you and needs your listening. Then you may think that this person talks a lot. Then you need to see his inner feelings. You might as well express your feelings directly and let the other person feel your sincerity.

Teacher, this is mass divination, which may not be completely suitable for you. If you want to know more, you can come to me. Personal divination will be more accurate. What is your personal situation like and what should you do? Leo friends, when you are in a relationship with this person, you always need to give him the energy of tolerance. He may not be so disciplined, but the more this happens, the more you have to follow the other person and don't try to change him casually. Even if you are really happy with this person, you will feel very relaxed. He has qualities that you don't have, and he also has parts that are very similar to you, which fills your heart with a desire to explore.

gives me the feeling that it is difficult to change because of its energy, and it feels more willful. Then you will be confused about how to get along with this person? I think you try to let him go, let him do what he likes, and let him pursue what he wants. Or maybe when he is engrossed in his own affairs, he has no time to communicate with you. At this time, you Don't be impatient, just give him time, be more patient and wait for this person. If he has had enough fun and wants to come back, and he looks back and sees you still where you are, I think he will be impressed by you.