This article comes from Robin Armstrong, the principal of RASA Astrology School. He focuses on the study of moon phases, astrology and the wisdom of the I Ching. Some of the Yixue information in this article is a new explanation based on a combination of astrology. Hope it can br

This article comes from Robin Armstrong, the principal of RASA Astrology School. He focuses on the study of moon phases, astrology and Yijing wisdom. Part of the easy to learn information in this article is a new explanation based on astrology. Hope it can bring you new inspiration.

Translator: Hu Yingyue , Zeroth. Part of the text was translated by Hu Sama and Cui Ying , which has been noted in the text. (Due to originality restrictions, this article only fills in the first translator in the author column)

The original text pdf is long. To facilitate editing, it is exported as an image for publication, but the links in the text cannot be clicked directly. If you need the original pdf (the original pdf supports clicking on the link in the text), please request it by email.

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Letter title: Robin Crescent

Another article related to the new moon in the Northern Hemisphere has been published, welcome to read.

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* Due to the teacher's personal reasons, the new moon horoscope content will be halved this month and will be restored next month.

May your new moon also start a new journey.