Libra friends, I think you are more willing to give in this relationship, and you will make some sacrifices for the other person. The other person was quite nice to you at first, and you can see that he will be helpful to you in some aspects. But I also feel that there is a relat

Friends of Libra , I think you are more willing to give in this relationship, and you will make some sacrifices for the other person. The other person was quite nice to you at first, and you can see that he will be helpful to you in some aspects. But I also feel that there is a relatively pessimistic energy here. I feel that you are not completely satisfied with this relationship, you still have regrets in your heart, and your mood has not been very good. I want to tell you that you still have to connect with positive energy. If you are always in such a state of hesitation, the relationship will eventually become unstable. In fact, if you look at the future, it's not completely impossible for you and the other person to be together, it's just not stable enough now.

Some Libra friends may face a love triangle. There is also concealment in this relationship. You have no way to grasp the other person's thoughts, and the other party is helpless towards you. I think there will be a message of ending in this, which represents the end of a stage, but also the beginning of a new journey. Maybe this is where the story between you ends and a chapter ends. In the beginning, you got along well with the other person. You thought about going to the end together and getting the best results, but there will be hesitant energy in the middle. I think one party will start to be unsure of his own feelings. , or maybe due to the appearance of a third party, your originally good connection suddenly stopped. Everything came to an end without warning.

It seems that you have no energy to think about the future, and the other party has not shown any intention to compromise. I still think you need to sort yourself out and make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise this relationship will remain stagnant and there will be no chance of repair in the end. The teacher still wants to emphasize here that this is divination for the public. If you want to know what to do, then I hope you can come to me to communicate alone. One-on-one will be more suitable for you and more accurate. I think it may be that one party's energy is still full of illusions about this relationship, or it may be that you are in an ambiguous state. Maybe you have imagination about this relationship, but it is not in line with reality.

No matter what the situation is between you and him, I think you will still think of each other in your hearts, and you will feel the same when you think of each other. But now there is really no chance to get to know each other in depth, and it seems that there is no way to break through. The reminder from the universe is still to have the energy to make choices. One of you has an energy that needs a sense of security. It can be seen that this person’s defensive energy is more obvious, that is, he wants to protect himself too much and refuses to take the initiative, or in other words Equal pay. Those Sagittarius friends will always remain in an ambiguous state with each other. Although your considerations in this relationship are not mature enough, opportunities still exist. You still need to work hard to make the energy of both parties consistent and face the future. Then you need to learn now The only thing is to compromise, to treat the other party with empathy, and to see if we can have the same ideas to face the future.

But here I also saw a message that there is another energy that has appeared. Your compromise may also be for other people instead of the current person. It depends on how you choose and which energy you will be close to. . Today’s fortune explanation ends here. I wish you all the best. If you still have questions, you can come and chat with Yueyue. I look forward to our meeting in the next issue. Goodbye